News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

Unbeaten USO faces e ma1or test The University of San Diego Torero basketball team gets a taste of major college-level competition to- night at 8when Loyola Mar- ymount University or Los Angeles invades the USD gym. USD coach Jim Brovelli considers Loyola as one of his squad's pivotal games this season since Loyola is only one of three NCAA Division I schools on the USO schedule. USD plays in the smaller-school NCAA Division II grouping. "They are an excellent team," Brovelli said. Loyola is 2·2 on the year losing two games on th~ road last weekend to Utah 85-77 and to Weber State 70- 64. The Lions earlier defeat- ed Los Angeles State 88--68 and UC-Riverside 105-81. Loyola Is led by 6-8 center Eric Claus, leading scorer on last year's team which compiled a 11-15 record and 6-6 forward Greg nunt'. er, who is scoring at a 17.8 f pace this year anct averag- ing 10 rebounds per game. USD is 4-0 on the season f and Brovelli has bee~ forced to rely on a talented but young bench to pull two l of the games out against Southern California College and Point LOma College. Torero high scoring of guard Ron Cole may be out tonight's game with a sprained ankle. He has been spelled by Dave Parker and Mike Stockalper, two for- mer county standout prep athletes from Francis Par- ker and Marian high schools, respectively. Expected to start for USD tonight is Parker, in re- place of Cole, and veterans Buzz Harnett (6-7, 14.5 points per game average and 40 rebounds on the year), Mike Strode, William Stewart (the team's leading scorer with a 17.0 average) and Rick M1chlemore. Also on the USD bench but expected to see consid- erable action is superfresh- man Bob Bartholomew, a 6- 6 center and all-county per- former on last year's Kearny High School basket- ball team.

1).- ~-77


reros are for real


ayles had 13 and Wallter 11. USIU has one handicap no other team must endure. It has no home court and alternates playing its home games at Mesa College, USO, UCSD or at several area high school gymnasi· ums. "The players have a good attitude about it," Kloppen- burg said. "It doesn't bother them morale-wise.'' At UCSD, Cunningham said the Tntons lost several key players before the sea- son even got under way. "Our best player would have been Howard Grunloh, a 6-6 forward transfer from Cal," Cunningham said. Grunloh is ineligible as a result or injuries and subse- quent academic problems. Also lost was 6-3 guard Kevin Douglas and 6-9 cen- ter Brad Conyer . Cunningham is going with 6-5 junior Pete Volk, 6-4 Bob Frazier from Patrick Henry High School and Stan Hopper, a 6-5 sophomore at the forward positions. Lehman Brockett 1s the Triton's center at 6-6 with the starting guard posltlons gomg to Bart Bradley and John Cox with 6-0 sopho- more Torn Omalve seeing considerable play off the bench. UCSD IS 1-1 on the season and plays UC-lrvme tomor- row mght t Irvine.

guard position and 6-2 Robinson from Poway High School at the other. Showing signs or adding scoring punch to the Point LOma attack is Bill Jobe, a 6-6 forward from American River Junior College in Sac- ramento. Jobe scored 26 points In the second game at Idaho last weekend. "I think we are capable of playing better defense this year," aid Foster whose team last year reached the district finals. Meanwhile, Bob Kloppen- burg returns to the head coaching duties at U.S. In· ternational Umversity for his 20th season after taking a leave of absence last year when the Westerners com- piled a rare losmg season, 9-17, USIU yesterday lost 68-57 to Southern Utah State in the opening round or the Redlands University "R" tournament. The tourney continues tonight and tomorrow. USIU faced Red· lands today. The Westerners opened their schedule last weekend with their own USIU Classic in which they defeated La V· erne 7~2 and lost 72-M to Cal Lutheran "Cal Lutheran has a real- ly great team thlS year," Kloppenburg said "Our defense and offen- sive patience were both most encouragfng for this early In the season," he said. "Howe r, we must develop more depth and im· prove our shootln ° Kloppenburg is relying mostly on a-10 Torn Cody and 6-1 Barry Sayles at the rtl po tions, 5 tan Thomas at center and 6-3 Dwight Hayes. 6-3 Joe Sob- kowiak, 6-5 Ken Walker and 6-7 Scot Tingey at for- wards Hayes scored 21 points in yesterday's loss.

Caltforni Coll ge In which th To ros found them- selve down by 10 points wtth four minutes remain- ing in the game Experience of the USO squad paid dividends as the Toreros re pond d with 10 unanswered points In the rmal minut s to tie the game at 86-86 at the end of regulation time. USO won m overtime 100-96. USD's next two games wNe laughers, winning 89- 66 over Dominguez Hills and 103-74 over LaVern . Foster said he believes his Point Loma team can hold its own with anyone "If we can control the boards." "We got blown out In that fir t game last Friday (against Northwest a- zarene Coll ge of Idaho 85- 70) on th boards," Foster said, "but straightened that problem out the next night to win (77-69) m which I think we out-rebounded them by two.'' "We don't have a big team but I do think we have good balance,'' Fo ·ter .said "We certainly can hold our own again t anyon If we can stay close to them on the bo rd ," he aid Point Loma got off on the wrong foot, so to speak, befor th season started wh •n starting forward Bar- ne E:tlloll broke his ankle Also out Injured is last year's startmg guard Don chengel. Cntll Elliott can return to the Jin up, Fo ter has start- ed 6-5 Tony Tyson. a jumor tran fer from Me a Col- lege, "Our center, Tom Hanley (6-6), ls our best pla er" Fo ter d • H scores well and Is our main str ngth In rebounding " The Crusad rs have 6-4 Art Leahy, a Madison High School graduate, at one


EVENING TIIIUN Son Diego, Soturdoy, December 3, 1977 Toreros wipe out deficit, avert upset


An errant, sluggish Uru- versity or San Diego basket- ball team .muste~ed just enough to kill a Point LOma rally and defeat the Crusad- ers f/4-72 last night at Gold- Polnt ~ma, dow~ by five pomts with one mmute m the game, closed the_ mar- gm to two points with 24 -oe::nds remammg on a rus Schen~el free th~w and th en ffilSsed sendmg en Gym. .

the game into overtime on a Foster for desperation field goal at- tempt by Paul Robinson at one point on the free~te leaving his team's bench USO d

f Id



Meanwhile, U.S. Interna- tional University defeated Redlands yesterday in the 73-61 _and will_ play Azusa Pa~iflc today m the conso- USIU guard Dwight Hayes scored 21 points to lead the Westerner attack. UCSD pla s UC-Irvine to- night at 8 in~he UCSD gym. lat1on finals.

h~o3in2t30LOma led at the

the final buzzer uso Jost the ball twice In the final minute to Point turnovers just after it had re-opened its largest gap over the Crusaders 7+69 on a contro- LOma on With the score 6~ USD, a techmcal foul was called on Point Loma coach Ben versial play.


· ·

:~I ~ii~dsa~~:~r u;teld crease the Torero lead 1~

USD's Buzz Harnett Redlands "R" tournament

scored 16 points and pulled rebounds. Robinson in 11

five, 68-63.

USO at one point in the was high scorer for Point first half trailed Point Loma with 17. Both teams

LOma by nine points and, with 3:48 remaining 1n that half, had the unenviable statistic or nine turnovers compared to only seven

grabbed 36 rebounds each. USD 15 now 4-0 and Idle record is 2-2 and plays Its

tonight. Point Loma •s USIU Is 2-2 on the year


Loyola snaps USD's s • ,n ove Not with a whimper but a bang. The University of San Diego's four-game season opening winning streak came to a halt but not before a battle royal took place on the Toreros' court last night. When the smoke cleared in over- time, the Loyola University Lions walked off with a 77-75 decision. Loyola's Floyd Hooper drove headlong for the basket with but three seconds on the clock to win it for the visitors. The score came after Loyola - with the score tied at 7!>-all - went into a stall with 1: 31 to play. . With 11 seconds to go, the Lions worked the ball to Hooper who made his dramatic drive for the basket in the nick of time. The Toreros actually led most or the game. The margin at one point was as much as 12 points. Thal was late in the first half. But USD turned the ball over too many times in the second half, com- mitting five errors In six trips down the court in one stretch. Loyola finally caught the Toreros, taking the lead at 67-66 with a little more than four minutes to go in the contest. With just a little over a minute to play, USD's Dave Cook dropped in two charity tosses to tie the score at 71, and that's where time ran out sending the game into overtime. The Toreros took the lead in over- time but couldn't hold it, and then along came Hooper to pull the stops out from under the Toreros. Loyola was 2-2 going into the game, while USD was 4-0. Leading scorers for USD were William Stewart with 17 poin l\j~e Strode with 16, and Dave Cook' with 15. The two Torero guards s anted the USD play all evening. S, the high-scoring forward, ain·, tained his 17-points-a-game av age. Going into the game, Cook's shoot- mg percentage was only ,349. He had only 27 points in four games. Strode, on the other hand, averaged 13.8 points for the first four games, shooting at a .625 clip. Stewart, USD's top scorer, now has 85 points• for the season. · Buzz Harnett, the Torero, added 13 point and Rick ],y{ichel• ' more hit for 14, Loyola committed 28 foul& to.' USD's 16. USD next meets Stanislaus State at home Saturday at 8 p.m. USD Summary, D-5



Tuesday, December 6, 1977


Step Up In Class Boosts UCSD, USO By HA fK WESCH "This will be our biggest They left Brovelli Jess t Parker High product-is ex- it's going to be tough, but if 5 ,at1 wrt,..., rno s., union game so far this season secure. peeled to start. William we play the way we have It Is with a feeling of great anyway," concedes Brovelli. "I didn't think we played Stewart is the Toreros' lead- been, we could do all rigt.t.," ccomplishment that coach "It's the only D1v1sion I particularly well in either of ing scorer with a 17 per says Cunningham. "I've re- Barry Cunningham and the team we play at home and our last two," he says. "Of game average, Buzz Hamett ally been pleased with the t.:C San Diego basketball they are an excellent team. course Point LOma played averages 14.5 points and 13 way several guys have come team looks back upon Its last "Games against Division I very well, I thought, and rebounds. off the bench and just played game teams do mean something may have forced us to play Loyola comes in with a 2-2 great." And it IS with great antici- when it's tournament time, poorly. record, 6-8 center Eric AgaJnst Irvine, the Tn· pat1on that CSD coach Jim but if you've beaten a major "Near the end we didn't Claus, last yer's leading tons' standout was 6-5 for- Brovelll and his USO squad school and lost to one from a capitalize on free throws and scorer, as its pivot man and ward Pete Volk. Volle sco look toward a home game lower division it doesn't made several turnovers at 6-6 Greg Hunter averaging 12 points, grabbed six re- tonight at at Alea Park. help. It's nice to beat a Divi- critical times which allowed 17.8 and 10 rebounds per bounds and limited Wayne 'fhe al 1gn1f1cance of sion I school, but every them to come back." game this season. Smith, Irvine's leading both th UC D and USD game counts for us." The Toreros were UCSD, meanwhile, has a scorer, for several mmutes games attributable to one Every game of the hampered when starting week to savor its victory on defense. slmllarlty- tn both In- Toreros' frrst four has count- guard Ron Cole, the team's over UC Irvine, a win that It was a welcome return to stances the opponent status ed in the win column as the leading scorer last season, boosted the Tntons' season action for the junior from IS Division I In the NCAA. team has gotten off to its injured an ankle but sopho- record to 2-L LOs Angeles who had been UCSD, a Dlvls1on III fastest start since... last more Dave Cook and fresh- Cunningham, who "was suspended from UCSD's pre- school, downed 01VIS!on I season. USO kicked off the man Mike Stockalper filled really worried'' about h1s vious game against Cal State CC Irvine Saturday, 71-64. '76-'77 campaign with eight in admirably at guard as the team's prospects after losing l\'orthridge for missing a Tonight, Division II USD straight vtctones. Torero bench once again two potenti starters on the practice. ho ts LOyola, one of only A rout over LaVerne (103- was a boost. eve of the sea.son, is some- Also contributing to the three Division I teams on the 74) and a squeaker over Cole's injury may keep what more optimistic based Trltoos' victory v.ere Bart Toreros' schedule this sea• Point LOma (74-72) were the him out or action tomorrov. on the first three games. Bradley (15 points), HPnry son. USD victories last week. night, and Cook -a Francis "We're overscheduled, so High grad Bob Fra er, Sfun

Hopper and Joe Greenstein. Sophomore Tom Nicholson was also effective m a re- serve role. The Tritons still have what for them will be a testing non-league schedule, but Cunningham feels they might be contenders m ~AIA District III Southern O1vis10n play "\\ hat people don't realize is how tough thatleague Is," says Cunningham. • It's going to be cl() and what• ever team gets the best bounces could win It all. "I r el a lot better about our chances than I once did."

USO to present choral festival Th Un1vers,ty of San Diego ChorJS arid Voca Eris m bl will pre ent .i Christmas Choral Festival at 4 p m ,urd Y D 11 1n Found r Chap I on the ~rnda Vista c.ampus

~IICRos.s USO to present choral festival

12... ,-z-11

The University of San Diego Chorus and Vocal Ensem• ble will present a Christmas Choral Festival at 4 pm Sunday, Dec 11 in Found rs Chap I on the Linda Vista campus Accompanied by an organist and p1an1st the 45 member chorus and the 15 memb r vocal ensem- bl will s· g carols under th d rect1on of Father colas Rev I s ''We hope to establish the USD Choru as a service organ1zat1on for the cam- pus cind part1c1pate actively in the commur1ty," said Father Reveles a USO music 1nst•uctor and dio• cesan director of music


L~r!~~?:>0-0 2: - 1 CH> 14; Hunl11' 16-6 20; Claus 5 2-311, KIIOX 92- 3 20; Ko,o l 0-0 2; --•Ill 11>-4 2; Neu 2 1-2 51'o 0113311-14 n U~'!c/J~ 3-4 15; strode 5 6-6 16; Harnett 31-1 ll; Stowort 6 S-811: Mlclltemore S H 14; Stoctr.alP1r 00-1 O; Larc;h-MllltrO 0-1 O; Bartl>OlomeW O 0-0 0 Totals 25 26- t'o~~la ...............•·.."• S2 " '-fs ~!~1~si,wo'ri' iL."r:• .3~111'tL1 Cook ISO); Total Fools-LaYOIO 28. uso It; Technlcal Fouls-Loyola Bench. Stewart CL), Mlchlemor• 1usot Att, 1,300 Ir,/,, ~1 t C / 7

HIGH USO forward William Stewart (42), Toreros top scorer, reaches for a basket while center Buzz Harnett watches the ball. Stewart scored 17 points last night against Loyola University, but USD Jost in overtime 77-75. - Photo by George Smith 'D HIGHER -

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