News Scrapbooks 1977-1979
AV~ ,~-1-11 T rero Win Streak Ends In Overtime
USD home tonight to face Pacers The University of San Diego's basketball team, lucky to g t out alive m a game with Dominguez Hills Saturday night, returns to the comfortable confines of its own gym tonight to en- tertain University of Ten- nessee-Martin. The Toreros defeated Dominguez Hills 8&-84 Sat- urday but blew an eight- point lead with 11 minutes remalmng in the game. Dominguez Hills lied the game with 6:24 remaining but USD asserted itself - thanks to eight quick points by Rick Michelmore in the remammg minutes - just enough to win. USD had defeated the same team 89- 66 at home on . ·ov. 26. The Tennessee-Martin Pacers are 1-4 on the sea- son. USD ls 6-1 UC D also is at home tonight for a game against Fresno Pacific. The Trltons lost to West- mont 76-62 Saturday night when they failed to contain Westmont's Rick Steelman, who scored 22 pomts UCSD did get, good scor- ng efforts from Pete Volk, who cored 18 and Lee Brockett who compiled 16 but the team saw its record drop to 2-4 on the season. Both the USO and USCD game start at 8 p.m. Fre no Pacific was de- feated Saturday night by Us. International Umversi- ty 17~9 in Fresno.
FOUR-YEAR REGULAR Harnett On Track Of USD Records By HAN)[ WESCH all-star.
maturity through the years "It was a ball-control at USD is reflected ln stead!· league, and nobody had a ly Increasing scoring and re- big scoring average," Har- bounding totals. nett recalls. "Raymond His scoring average had Townsend (who was later to risen from 5.5 per game as a play at UCLA) Jed the freshman to 10.2, and 12.7 league my junior year and leading up to this season and averaged 16 a game. He in rebounding the progres- transferred to a public sion goes from 4.2 to 5.9 to sohool the next year and 8.3 per game. This year he's averaged 32." averaging 17.4 points and a Harnett attracted several dozen rebounds a contest. In collegiate offers after h!S t~o games pnor to last final prep season, but opted night's Torero clash with to play for USD and coach Tennessee-Martin, he had Jim Brovelli. Brovelli had pumped m 24 and 27 points. coached Harnett at Serra In "I had been a Uttle hesl- his junior season. tant about looking for my "I knew I rould trust hlffi shots earli r In lh season, (Brovelll) since I had played but m the last couple gam , for him, ' says Harnett m I've started to oo for th m explaining his decision to at- more," ay Harnett. tend USO "And the San "Against Loyola (USO' Diego area seemed better only loss In se en games
Slaff Wl'ltll', TIii .. D- Union When he first started play- ing basketball, University of San Diego forward Richard "Buzz" Harnett had altar- lor moti·,es. "I was an altar boy and there was an outdoor basket by the church," Hamett says. "Altar boys got paid for weddings, so I'd go down and hang around shooting baskets hoping to pick up a wedding or two and make some money.'' The bond that was cement- ed between Harnett and the sport at that time has proba- bly outlasted several of the marriages he was called upon to help formali1.e.
BUZZ HAR!'-JETf .•.reliable Torero
Harnett is now In his sen•
lor ason for the Toreros a nd it would be nice to have than the other areas where through la. t night) I only and the 6-7, 215-pounder has some th ing like th ~l to look schools were interested m took eight •bot since th n been a participant In every back upon when It s over· " I've been ta kin • to 20 a varsity game since his amv- "But I'm happy if we wm me o ame so I shou al as a freshman. That's 85 e\'en if I only score five a So Harnett came US , g •,. straight games. game. I've never ~none to "pretty tlmld,"}Y h!S own m°fr'ier his USD career nd • If he continues the string set personal goals. admission, and mt1m1dated Hamett ts Interested m t through the rest of the sea- At no point In his basket- by the ,6-8 and 6-,10 guy~ ssibil1ty of playing baske . son he'll tie the school ball career has Harnett com around. He hadn t prcv1 po . , url ~:_ 19 l;~~s t:~!n~ ?:)~:l~af~~;~er; !~}~}~:Ei~~u~ll~r pace of 17 points per game observer. But wherever he any se~so~SDu t~e Toreros the present, he's hoping th scoring e'll easily to the has played the team has year lal 15 Toreros can compile a . 1 000 int career ring succeeded. were . . d tha ill ' d o the At Serra High m South San "I was used to playmg sonal recor t w earn mark an move am ng k d gyms and them a wild-card spot m the top half ozen scorers I.he Fr ncisco, Harnett aver• befor pac e d h fl t NCAA Division lI post sea- school •s history. aged only 14 pomts a game r:razy fans an t e rs S h d of during his Junior and senior game here the crowd was son playoffs. uc recor s are m b th 11 d there was practl· "I love to play m tourna- than passing Import, but not seasons, he reports, ut e sm 11 a an !Se , he recalls mcnts but we don't have a matter or obsession for teams v.ere among best ca l no no • ' h schedul th! m the \\est Catholic th! Uc ' That was the biggest any on t e · e s Hamett t tin used to season " Harnett says . "They do mean somelhlng Le.. gue-one of th e better adJ~men ' 1 g "That leaves just one poSSI- to me " he says ''Shoot l'\'e B y Area prep groupings that !iii h NCAA " played a lot ~r bask~tball And Harnett was a \\CAL Stattst1cally, Harnett's b ty- t e s
Th Westerners. now 3-5, rece1 ved strong perfor- mances from Dwight Hayes, who scored 21 points, Tom Cody, who scored 20 and Stan Thomas, who helped control the boards for USIU with 15 rebounds Fre no Pa lfi r mains In town tomocrow for a re- match v.1th U IU m an 8 p.m. game to be played at \'1e a College
VIRGINIA LINGREN - FluUst Lynn 5<:hubert Sachdeva. cellist Marjorie Hart and harpsichordist Marjone Rohflei&ch win perfo;" wrth the soprano on a Handel recital al 12.15 p.m. Wednesday n e untvenltJ San DI• French Pllllor. '-t 11:0.,, '"•2.7-7 7
. / Choral Service of Preparation (Advent), University of V San Diego chorus and vocal ensemble. with Father Nicolas Reveles directing, 4 p.m. Dec. 4 Founders Chapel. USO campus. J.2. - J - 7 7
UNIVERSITT OF SAH DIEGO CHORUS AND VOCAL ENSEMBLE - The two groups will P.!lrlorm at 4 p.m. next Sunday In the umversily Found,rsChapel. ti..,."' ,.,~11-7'7
lay, December 27, 19n KEY TRIP FOR TOREROS
Mesa JC, has averaged 7 rebounds a game. USIU has played better basketball on the road than
N h
Q • M k• u1nts
Toreros win 7th game; Tritons lose to Fresno The Untv tty or San tholomew,
11 C 11
ort ern our !:::t~::i~nglh~l::i:fe: against Fresno Pacific and ,t;e a very good Ambassador College at the says Foster. opposition's gym, while los- Lewis ~nd .Clark 1s a good mg to Fresno Pacific in a NCAA D1vis1on II school and home contest there are some other very The westerners have good teams. received excellent play from "We hope to play as well 5-10 guard Tom Cody, who as we can up there and get has scored 58 pomts in his ready for our own tourna- last three outings and been ment a week later." . the club's leading scorer in The .Crusaders host therr its last two starts. "This will ~t for us,
a 1ng
O ege
16.2 Point Lorna's opening USD's offense has been round match In the Chico hampered somewhat recent- Tournament is against ly by an ankle injury which Lewis and Clark College of has hobbled last year's lead- Portland, Ore. Coach Ben ing scorer, guard Ron Cole. Foster's Crusaders bring a Cole is playing, but has not 6-2 mark into the game, and approached last year's em- have been rested for 12 days ciency level as yet. smce they last played. Palomar JC Tourney Opens Today
"We only get one shot at San
Stoff writer The San Dle9o union Francisco and Hayward, San Diego's small college and when we come back basketball teams will all be home. we have the No. l migrating northward pur- D1v1s10n II team, Puget posefully this week. Sound,. and,, then Cal State USD's Toreros visit the North nd ge. Sau Francisco Bay area on a Cal State Northridge last two-game swing in which week snapped USD's perfect they'll meet San •Francisco record (2-0) against Division State tomorrow and Hay- II teams, adding import to
ly obiliterate the home town club. The biggest difference came at the foul line. USCD committed a total or 28 fouls to Fresno's 17. The Tritons' next game comes on Christmas Eve against USIU at Mira Mesa High School at 9 p.m. UTM (61) Boodi. 4 2-110. Cell ns 1 0-0 2, Hamp- ton J "'"' 10. Carr• 7•7 lS, Potterson, ,i..S 12. KIIIV 4 0-0 a, ROberts 11·23, Lamon 32 • 1 USD(Hl C- 10-0 2. Strode 11·2 3. Hornell I I- I 26. Sttwort 3 2·2 a. Mlcnlemore 7 2-2 16. Stockolper 1 0-0 2, Cote .t 2-2 10, McLemort 0 1-21, Lorch-Mlllff S 1-111, Motes O 2-2 l, Hltnl-r l 0-0 •• Bartholomew 2 7-913. Holftlme score - USO '5, UTM JO. Fooled out - Boddie, Loman. Hamett. Michtemore. Total fouls - UTM 26. USO ll. FRISNO PACIFIC (Ill ForsetttJ 2-"8, Je-swr 104-102.C, Woll 1 0-G 2 Broke 4 2-3 10, Dronoln s 10 )-.4 23, krlthbtlll 6 2-2 14 UCSD IS!l BrQCl,.y31-l 7,Cox:,o-112, Frotler 1 j).1 2, Brockett 4 1·2 f, Runyon 2 0-0 ,., V0lk•>-411 _,62-214. Holttlmt score - Fr61'10 J.4. UCSO 30. Fouled out - Woll. Tolot fouls - Frnno 17, UCSO 21.
the 6-6 center, which gave the Toreros their spurt just before the end of the half Bartholomew scored nine of his 13 pomts m a stretch that saw the Toreros pull out to a 45-30 margin al intermission Other Toreros figuring m the scoring were Bill Stew- art with 8, Rick Michlemore with 16, Ron Cole with 10, Mike Larch-Miller with 11, and Jim Hltzelberger with 4 In the Tntons' loss, about the only bright spot was the scoring or Stan Hopper, who got 14, and John Cox with 12. Fre no only had a four- point I ad at halftime, but put on a scoring barrage in the second half to complete-
D go won big last night, Its v nth win against one Meanwhlle, the t:CSD was taking It on the chin from Fresno Pacific. The Toreros went on a ring binge In the later sta of Its game with the University of Tennessee- Martin and came away with a 116-68 victory. The Trttons were belted 81-59 and now have a record of 2-5 on th season. USO tackles Aurora Col• lege tomorrow night, while Fre o Paclflc tak on U.S International Un1vers1· ty tonight at Coll g . Leading U D's wm was Buzz Hartnett, who dropped In 26 points, but 11 was the play of freshman Hob Bar-
UCSD hopes to end a four game losing streak, but
own eight-team tournament
th~ week'~ matchups.
ward State Friday.
starting Jan. 5.
record entenng the tourney. Other teams entered include Glendale, College of the Canyons, Orange Coast, Cuesta and Antelope Valley. Grossmont meets Glen- dale at 3, Orange Coast and Cuesta tangle at 4: 45, Mira- Costa and Canyons battle at 6:30 and Palomar tangles with Antelope Valley at 8: 15 on the opening night card.
Point Loma College, meanwhile will be involved us, said Brovelli. We only junior college basketball for three days in the Chico shot 37 percent for the night, teams will be among the Tournament starting tomor- and we didn't take any dlf- eight squads entered in Palo- row ferent shots than we have mar College's Comet Classic Host Palomar (9-2) and cagers to Cal Poly San Luis William Stewart and for- Grossmont (8-3) are San Obispo and UC 'D to Cal ward-center Buzz Harnett. Diego's top threats in the State-Dominguez Hills. Harnett lS averaging 18.5 tournament and MlraCosta Of the four local con- pomts a game and Stewart rates as a threat off its 6-6 }'hey Just ou~.~t beat Three San Diego County One-game journeys are been taking." slated by United States In- ternatlonal University's le~ _m sconng by forward . . basketball tournament start- The Torer?s are still bemg mg today at Palomar:
Through the first eight faces a tough task in a Dom- games, the Crusaders have inguez team that is 1-1 been led in scoring by Paul against San Diego schools. Robinson (14.3) with for- Dominguez Hills defeated ward Bill Job (13.1) and cen- USIU, and lost by only a ter Tom Hanley (11.9) also basket to USO in an earlier averagfng in double figures. San Diego swing. Leading UCSD ID coring ing 7.6 rebounds per contest, is forward Lee Brockett who while Tony Tyson, a transfer is averaging 16.1 points a student from San Diego game. Hanley has been averag-
tlngents, USD probably has the most at stake this week roach Jim B.rovelli's Toreros take an 8-2 record on the trip, and in San Fran- cisco State and Hayward they face teams that are,
in expression
Ith ultimate success enamel. The Lench exhibit contin- In
- - -·
.. _ _..,
Two Women Among Harvard MBAs Here Of the 300 members of the Har- vard Business School Club of San Diego, only its president and O!Tl' other are women. Both hold MRA degrees. Ellen Cook, the club president, is assistant proressor or accounting at the University or San Diego. Not all club members have MBAs. Some have completed middle level or ad vanced 13-week The Women of Harvard /Continued from Page lA) courses, while others have completed the doctoral program. The other MBA is Eilene Wegge. who, until a recent domestic upset, operated the El Cajon-based Flight Suits, Ltd., which makes fire• retardant aviation jackets and· suits for air racers, helicopter pilots. and private pilots. Sh, now bat'k in the jobmarket, J rt fl S • JJ J.
"·~vi-Tl EVt.N 1N6 "TR\ ~u r.Je Crusaders beaten, but Toreros win The Pomt Loma College in the north to emerge with Crusaders faltered in the a 67-58 victory. The homt• second half last mght, al- team led by 25-;!2 at the lowing Whittier to score a half, but it couldn't tame 62-60 victory in fmals or the Buzz Harnett in the second Chico InV1tational Basket- half. He scored 17 point.~ to ball Tournament. spark the rally. Whittler trailed by 36-28 It was the Toreros' ninth at halftime, but the Poets triumph in 12 games. outscored the Crusaders 21- UCSD took advantage of 1 ma stretch after lntermis- 23 points by jumor forward sion to gain a 13-point Lee Brockett to edge Dom• advantage. George High- inguez Hills State 70-68 m a tower madP a ba$ket with road game last mght The 4 44 remaining to make it Trltons' record now is 3-5. 62-56 for the Poets, clinch- _ mg the eon!~ ,
ues through Dec 16.
i:-ounders IS ,a _one-
On view at
I 171
like USD, NCAA D1Vision II Gallery at ,USD
man exh1blt or pamtmgs, enamels and collages by
Monday, December 5, uv Biology Research FoundaUon m LoulS - spoJce at the auspices of the campus Sileil.le~ 8ureau. Replies To Questions In his talk, and in replies to qu ns from an audience of about 400, he made the other observations - The culture of the Western world has "perpetrated" the idea that "a good woman does not enjoy sex. The Jewish religion Is the only one in our culture I know of that honors sexuality " - "True equality of the sexes would be the greatest thmg to happen to our culture " Men would then not f m- plctely respon ble for the sexual sa ac- tion of their partners because -women would assume responsibility for them- selves. - Many infertile couples who come to his clmlc are helped "Just by talking to •th m- tellmg them n and how to have intercourse; one o of about eight couples conceive v.lthln months
USD's goal 10
e ~eason Mana Lench.
is to ,earn } . berth m the Lench offers a variety of NCAA s Dms10n II post.sea- expression but it appears son p(ayof[s. As a school that her ~Jlages are men- operatmg independently of tal and visual studies for any conference tlrs the way the more polished enamels. \he Toreros go abil t secu:• In collage, though texture mg a spot for the Ives is may be cited as an import- by a.) w mmng a.lot of gai:nes ant element, the works tend and b.) Impressing the nght to be static. They bow to the people on the committee enamels. which selects at-large teamf The enamels are exciting for the tournament. explosions in color, It Just so happens th a abstract, yet revolving ~;h the San Franc1sc? an~ around the circular unage yward sta te a t hletlc di- suggestive of the sun. Th rectors are voting members is a vibrant moving 1 or.:he DiVlS!on II committee. to them ' The next four games are Asignificant factor In extremely cnl!cal. to our exhibit Is the vanety of chances or makrng the media which suggests a playoffs," says Brovelli. ~-,•'~--- New Aeon Dance Company, sponsored tiy USD Music Department, 8 p .-,i De 4, Camino Theatre. Free but donations will be accepted for the Sister Rossi Music Scholarship Fund. s. 14 ,1,,w,.,. Crc~ ,~-1-7;' Schumann vocal with lecture following, Joanne Regenhardt, mezzo-soprano noon De_ 7, French Parlor, Founders Hall, USD campus. Free. Special Education Christmas program. 3 p.m. Dec 4, Salomon Lecture Hall, USD campus, presentation by the handicapped Free.
Women Seen ' ndowed' For Sexuality
"",,._,,,.,eater capacity than Jly," according to noted pioneer in
Thf Poets' wm was their fourth in the tourne} in 18 seasons. Their Hugh B..llct was named •Im tourna- ment's most valuable play- er University or San Diego turned m a second strong half against Havward State USO (67 Cook 1 IHI 2, Stod:olpe-r 3 , • 10; Lorct}.M ler 6 D--0 12; Hamett, 9-U 17; Barthof w 2 3-6 7. Strode 5 1·2 12, M1chtemore 2 3-5 7 Jgtol 2J 2T 1 67 HAYWARD STATE (511 Ingram 3 2-3 8. Jockson 3 0-0 o, John- son 2 3-3 1; w11110ms 3 1-3 7, Humphrey 5 l).() 10· GrNn 4 +--4 12~ Jamison 2 c,..1 ,. Whitt 20-S 4 Totals 2 • IQ 19 58. Ho!ftlme SCort· Hovwo:rd 25, USO '22. Fouled Out-- BorthOI0mtw ISO), Mi chlemore (SO), WhlJe (H} Total Fouls USO~ Hovword 311.
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