News Scrapbooks 1977-1979

Dr. Dug~,f!Jfr,r on Indian rel19,on mven Dec. 14 by Dr. Gary Dr Kathleen Dugan of Macy will be on • How Do the ·nivers1t)' of San Diego We Eiect APope?" , . rel 1 11us studies depart- Dr. E. Jane Via w,ill ment.. will speak on the re- speak Jan. 11 on 'Be r-;ot 1ig1011 of the native Amen- Afraid: A ~e.ssage From can Indian at 7:30 p.m. St Luke." . ov. 5 m De Sales Hall at The Rev. Dr Delwm B. USD . . Schnelder will speak Feb. 8~ Her presentation will be n the reJauonship between Lectures for March, uniVersity staff. All lectures April and May will be an- are scheduled for 7.30 p.m. nounced later. Admission to in De Sales Hall. to be the lectures is $2. The second lecture, the first m series o_f lef~ ihnstianity and Asian tures on religious top1c\he religions. be given by members of

SAN DIEGO UNION OCT 131978 Cal Lutheran Forfeits To USD The UnlVf•rsity of an Diego will enter ius football game with Claremont- 1udd m Claremont tomorrow af- 1 rnoon w1 I' a J-2 season record instead of an ( pect- cd 2-3. v. rrl rn fonned yesterday that Cal Lutheran Unl\ersity h forfeited its 13-8 (' , r llSD on &c t 9 a t diSC0\'£'r d t c Cal Lutheran team used m glble play- / er. The Tor ro

The Sentinel OCT

EVENING TRIBUNE BcT l o1978 , oreros 101n ..




USD schedules 1 <\ bevy of speakers The University ci San Diego Associated Students Speakt!'s Bureau has schelhlled several speakers for its fall St!'ies ci lectures. Prof. Boniface Obichere, African affairs e,cpert, 8 p.m. Oct. 12; Calif. Secretary of State March Foog Eu, 7: :ll p.m. Oct. 16; Jay Marl(osian. camidate, Calif. Secretary of State, 8 p.m. Oct. 18; Evelle Younger, candidate, Governor of California, 8 p.m. Oct. 19; Dr. Leman! Wolf, author and vampire hlatory expert, 8 p.m. Oct. 26; Jam Dean III, former Nbt<11 White House counael, 8 p.m. Nov. 9; William Ford, chitf economist, Wellll Fargo Bink, 8: 30 p.m. Senator S. I. Hayakawa, s p.m. Dec. e. All lecturm will be coo- dutied in Camino Theater on the USO camp111 In Alcala

ros Mudd

• • \1

,,, African Affairs expert to speak The Associated Students SpPakers Bureau of the Unive1sity of San Diego will present African affairs expert Professor Boniface Obichere on Thursday, October 12, 8 p.m. in the Camino Theater on the USD campus. Obichere is director of the African Studies Center at UCLA, and has been a critic of U.S. policy In Afric_ll. Obichere holds a Ph.D. in history from Oxford University, and has written and lectured around the world. He has authored twelve books dealing with African history, has published for UNESCO and the Encyclopedia Brittanica, and has written 22 ar- ticles for professional journals and periodicals. He is also founder and editor of the Journal of African Studies, University of California Press. For information, call the USD Public Relations Offi~e at 29~-6480, ex- ten sion 4296.


WCAC, may play in Arena The University of San Diego oday was accepted as a member of the West Coast Athletic Conference bf;,, ginning June 1, 1979, and the schoo~ announced plans to play their con- ference basketball games at the Sports Arena. "I am personally delighted to ha e USD become a member of our conference," atd WCAC C01ilm!S· sioner Jerry Wyness "I ff>('! pur conference, ·along i an Die State, will give the pcopl of an Diego a chance to see b1g-tim I lege basketball for the first tune " USD will join University of an Francisco,. Pepperdine University, Seattle Umversity, St. Mary's Col- l e, Loyola-Marymount Lniversity, University of Santa Clara, U v s1- ty of Portland and Gonzaga er- sity - which was named conference last week - in the nine- team league. "We feel it's quite an ach vement to jump from Division II to Division I in one step," said USD Athletic Director Thomas Burke. . Burke aid the school plans to play its conference home games at the Sports Arena, and that "we've worked out a tenative agreement on dates and are working on a formal contract." All conference schools Will bf' n'- quired to participate in basketball, baseball, cross country, golf and tennis in 1980-81. All mem wm also have to field a soccer am as an intercollegiate sport. Burke said the Toreros' tball program v.111 continue on the Divi- sion III level. The tenative basketball schPdule for the 1979-80 season calls for the Toreros to open the conference a- son on the road at Portland Jan. 3, 1980, and Jan. 5 at Seattle. The first home conference game would be Jan. 8 against Peppcrdine.

Univer ·ty of San Diego's Torero will have that win- nIng look when they go ~p again t Clalremonl-Mudd m Clarremont Saturday after- noon Torero Athletic Director Tum Burke ye erday was Informed Cal Lutheran had forfeited its lS- victory over USD Sept. 9 because or an In •hgible player - Dan Hartwig - who had thrown th winning touchdown pass in the fmal tv.o minute· of action 'JI art wig did not t out th required year after trans! rnng to our school,' Cal Lutheran Athletic Di- r ctor D, n Gre n told Burke. •we hav nutifl d the . AIA and it said the gam must be forfeit d Thus University of an Diego will have a 3-2 re rd wh n it plays C\a ont udd nstead of the 2·3 mark ll v£'d it would carry aft r lo mg to Whit- t! r 24 14 last weekend Th game o!flcial- ly listed a a 3-0 t;SD victo- ry


SAN DIEGO UNION OCT 141978 Three Candidates To Speak At USD \larch Fong Eu, Jay Mar- gosian and Evelle YoungPr will be featured speakers during the University of San Diego's "Political A11are- nes · Week," which bPgins ~londay Eu, California's secretary of state, a Republican, 11ill :,peak at the Associated Stu- • dents Speakers' Bureau event at 7;30 p.m. Monda} in USD's Camino Theater lier Democratic opponent in . ovember's elect10n, '.:\lar- gosian, will speak at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Camino The- ater. Attorney General Younger, Republican i:-and1- date for governor, v.ill speak al 8 p.rn . Thursda) at tile theater All events are open to the public VOICE NEWS & VIEWPOINT OCT 111978 Jazz concert set at USO The Carl Evans Ensemble will present a jazz concert at the University of San Diego student union on Friday Oct.13at8p.m. ' Sponsored by the USD Black Student Union in conjunction with the Musicians' Union Trust Fund, the concert is one in a series presented by the Ensemble which will be broadcast on local television, radio and stage. Singer Charlotte Steele will be a special guest of Evans and his six- member band. Poet Primo El Shabazz will read selections of her poetry. Evans, a com- poser and pianist has written a musical sdore to blend with her poems as an integral part of the words. There is no charge for admission.


tor interest television some contests. to the league t smission of WCAC in the area could be advantageous financially Additional commitments and for all the schools in USO include terms of recrmtlng both ath- accomodate and the exposure of the

(Continued from Page C-1) The San Diego Umon con- firmed the story last week . "It ls official," said WCAC Comml mner Jerry Wyne

from t San Francisco off- establishing a team m cross letes and students," he said. the five "USD will undoubtedly bene- cial at an particular point major sports om which the fit from the exposure it fig- in time the vote of the league requl s participa- ures to get in other confer- conference executive com- lion by all affiliates (the ence cities." m ttee wa held Sept. l8 and others ar~ basketball, base- USD, which has competed the vo e was to issue a mvi- ball, tenms atkl golf) and to independently or any conler- tatlon to membership. prepare to held a soccer ence affiliatiion, will also •mte.r • '.la a two-week team for t 1980 season benefit from association p riod "'h n things were when that becomes a WCAC with an established NCAA pendln \i:orkmg out a few sport. conference whose champi- problerrs, but we had it Wyness see the addition ons automatically qualify for n lied down by about Oct. 2. of USD as mutually benefi- national tournaments. But Of course, we're happy to cial to the gue and the Wyness does no see the have th University of San school. Torero transition to stiffer Diego Joining our member- "San Diego is one of the competition as g an easy ship." largest gro',\(ng metropoli- one. Particularly in basket- USO and Gonzaga Univer- tan areas on he West Coast ball. ·t f "It's going to qui·te a s1 y o pokane, Wash., will jom the league next sum- ----~----- jump for San D1eg to make mer. With them, the WCAC FOOTBJilL ODDS from NCAA Division II to will ha,e nlne members. The Division I in this conference. two newcomers join Loyola Home t ins in CAPS But with the recruiting sea- of Los Ant;eles, Pepperdine, LSU over Geor~~ 1 ~GES son (USD basketball coach) St. Mary's the University of STANFORD-Wo ton, even Jim Brovelli had last year »--'_.....,""ll;(,l), So. Meth. over B~ LOR bv 1 and the opportunity he'll Portland and Se:..,a1"'twtle.1,,:.u,.w.,~..i:.10 s1a1,overA' '~T~bf1 hav bet een ne season INOIANf< over Nort!\IIOSlern by 18 "One of the problems we Wisconsin over 1Lu~o1sbv6 and the start of the 1979-80 had to work out was schedu- t~~k~1 1 n~~~=YMf;~byJ year the hope is they'll be ling. con'erence coniornio over ARIZONA bv I very competitive. v ,, A&M over HOUSTON b; 7 · makes t tough as far as rcu over R,ce bv 1 ''l'd think this would pres- MICHIGAN over Mchigon SI. by 1, ent a fonnidable challenge " arrangm hedules, travel co1oroooover0KL,UTATEby8 · P artner and things like NOTRE DAME ov,, Pittsburgh bys USD has previously com- Morvtond over SYRACUSE bv 9 ted t th NCAA n· . · that: said Wyness. "And NAVYoverOukebY2 pe a e IVlSJOn there were some di'ffi·culti·es ALABAMA over Fb-ido bv 22 II level, and will continue in Al RFORCE over Colo. Stole bv 1 regardmg the availability of OklohomooverKAlfSASbv77 that status through the cur- the an Diego Sports Arena ~~ftofe~!~~~8thv 7 rent year, but the Toreros for some home games." AuburnoverVANOERBILTbvlO will gain Division I tus in Clem$00 over VIRGINIA bY 20 th · WCAC Securing the Sports Arena ,10s e maJor sports for its conference home ~~t~8:t~t;:~tl>Y' thereafter. games was one of the con- Jets at COLTS, evenPACKERS over Seohowt



Torros {'f\ fa Mudd tomorrow

BLADE THltsU~ OCT 8 1918 Law Group To Distinguished Alumni

USD to Join WCAC Conference


:; .,,

OCT 121978

TOREROS GET FORFEIT, FACE MUDD University of San Diego's Toreros will have that win- ning look when they go up against Clairemont-Mudd in Clairemont Saturday after- noon. Torero Athletic irector Tom Burke yest aay was informed Cal Lutheran had forfeited its 13-8 victory over USD Sept. 9 because of an ineligible player - Dan Hartwig - who had thrown the winning touchdown pass in the final two minutes of action. 'Hartwig did not sit out the required year after transferring to our school,' Cal Lutheran Athletic pi- rector Dan Green told Burke. 'We have notified the NAIA and it said the game must be forfeited.' Thus University of San Diego will have a 3-2 record when it play Clairemont- Mudd instead of the 2-3 mark it believed it would carry after losing to Whit- tier 24-14 last weekend. The garoe will be official- ly lisle as a 3-0 USD victo- ry.

293-4529. For further informa- tion, contact Anthony Wetherbee, arrangements and publicity chairman, at 294-MOO. Katz is the senior judge of the the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Cali- fornia. Keep is a M1.mlcipal Court judge for the San D go Judicial District. Longti a city attorney for the ci o! Thousand Oaks, and author of "California Land Use Regula-

SAN DIEGO - University or San Diego Law School Alumni Association will honor Judge Herbert Katz, Judge Judith N. Keep, and attorneys James Longtin, Delroy M. Richardson, and Thomas E. Sharkey al a Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet Monday, Oct. 9, al the Atlantis Restaurant. Attorney Ron Mix, former San Diego Charger, will be master of ceremonies and

lions." attornev and author Louis • Anthony Wetherbee, awards Nizer •will be the guest committee chairman, said speaker that the basic criteria for All members of the San selection was "that overall Diego legal community, as excellence to which fellov, well as students and alumni of alumni can point with pride." the law school, are invited to This is. the second annual attend. Reservations and awards ceremony and the ticket information can be Alumni Association plans to obtained by calling the continue the banquet as an Alumni Association office at annual affair

s1te1ers over BROWNS 1r1 s B~0NCOSover Beorsby7 ,":':'=-=-~~~~"""!"--..., HAYE AHAPPY LUNCH •

next fall. Basketball is the WCAC's glamor sport- San FrancJSCo has rated among the top teams ln the country for many years - and USD's 1:500-seat gymnasium was not conSidered sufficient to handle anticipated specta-




\11 USD law alumni honored Attorney Thomas E. Sharkey of La Jolla was among those honored at a Distinguished Alumni Awards Banquet held by the University of San Diego Law School Alumni Association at the Atlantis Restaurant. honored were Judge Herbert Katz, Judge Judith N. Keep, and attorneys James Longtin and Delroy M. Richardson. Ron Mix, former San Diego Charger, was master of ceremonies. Attorney and author Louis Nizer was guest speaker. Anthony Wetherbee, awards committee chairman, stated that the basic criterion for selection was "that overall excellence to which fellow alumni can point with pride." This was the second annual awards ceremony. The Alwnni Association plans t.o continue the banquet as an annual affair. Also

e igns To Be Displayed \1'\



OCT 141978 lecture Series Planned At USO \1~ Dr. K~.Wee~ Dugan will Future topics include resent \~alkmg the Good Electing a Pope, A Message ed_ Road, a lecture on the from Luke and Christianity's spm\ual trad1t10ns of native Relationship with Asian ~mericans, at 7:30 p.m Relig10ns. ~ov. 9 m Solomon H~ll at the Admission is $2 a re. l.imversity of San D1eg_o. Arrangements can be ade The lecture 1s the frrst of for interpretation m sign Ian- the . t;SD's De_partment of gua1;;: by arrangemei:it v.ith Rdig10us Studies Speakers the Office of .ae j ·ou Edu- Forum 19,8-79. cation 297-7110

are superb, both as paintings and in their contribution to the development of theatrical de- sign, to which Wenger brought the skill of both artist and innovatin_g illusionist.'' Founders Gallery is located on the Upiversity of San Diego campus in Founders Hall. It is open to the public from 10 a.m. to4p.m. weekdays. /I

It will include works ranging Paramount Studios, all of from designs for Igor which altered the direction of Stravinsky's "Petroushka" to stage illusions. designs from the 1927 produc- "These pieces are not sket- tion of "Funny Face" at the ches, but are finished pain- Alvin Theatre in New York. tings from the collection of the Wenger Is best remembered - Metropolitan Museum or New for his scenic designs for the York and the Museum of the Metropolitan Opera, Ziegfeld City of New York," said Follies, Rivoli and Roxy Professor Therese 'hbitcomb, Theatres in New York. am:! director of the gallery. "They

SAN DIEGO - Thirty-five paintings by theatrical de- signer John Wenger will be dbiilayed at the University of San Diego's Founders Gallery beginning Oct. 21 and continu- ing until Dec. 2.:3. The exhibition will mark the first time that the noted scene designer's works have been displayed on the West Coast.


rt ma,; rcoll,•glate pro- ~ = -------...,:;./

Indian Religion 1 Talk Scheduled Dr. Kathleen Dugan will present "Walking the Good Red Road," a lecture on the spiritual traditions of native Americans, at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9 in Solomon Hall at the University of San Diego. The lecture is the first of the USD's Department of Religious Studies Speakers Forum 1978-79. Future topics include Electing a Pope; A Message from Luke, and Christianity's Relationship with Asian Religions. Admission is $2 a lecture. Ar- rangement.5 can be made for inter- pretation in sign language through the Office of Religious Education at 297-7110. ----- .,;

READER OCT l 21978



The Sentinel




OCT l 1 1978 Alumni honored Five alumni ci the University of Sat Diego Law School were honored duri~ the school's annual Distin- guished Alumni Award!! banquet Mooday night at the Atlantis Restaurant. Among those honored wEre Judge Herbert Katz ct •be bankruptcy cotrt, defense ...ttorney Tom Sl:Brkey, Municipal Cwrt Judge Judith Keep, general corporate coonsel for SDG&E, Delroy Ridtardsoo, and attorney James Looifjn, authir ci a widely-used k oo C-alifornia ~d Use fulUlations. UJUis Nizer, a prominent attorney am authcr was the featured speaker. He clscussed his recol- lection; d form!!' presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Trwnan, Jam Kennedy and Lyrxion Johnson and answered questioos about current legal controversies.

OCT 12 1978


Dr. Dugan to tal on Indian religion

MUSICAL EVENTS USO Jo~ Hu1sa , Harpist Noon, Oct IS. French Parlour, USO Ph 29 I 6480 e>

Dr. _Kath_Ieen Dugan of the University of San Diego religious studies depart- ment will speak on the re- ligion of the native Ameri- can Indian at 7;30 p.m. Nov. 5 in De Sales Hall at USO. Her presentation will be the first m a series of lec- tures on religious topics to be given by mem rs of the university staff. All lectures are scheduled for 7.30 p.m. m De Sales Hall. The second lecture, to be

given Dec 14 by Dr. Gary Macy, will be on "How Do We Elect A Pope?" Dr. E. Jane Via will speak Jan. II on ''Be Not Afraid: A :Wessage From St. Luke." The Rev. Dr. DPJ'.IJn B. Schneider will speak Feb. 8 on the relationship betwe n Christianity and Asian lig1ons. Lectures for March April and May will be an'. nounced later. Admission to the lectures is $2.

The Sentinel



La Prensa



T 61978 • • • Speaker


USO law awards

_University of San Diego law School Alumni Association will honor Judge Herbert Katz, Judge Judith Keep and attorneys James Longtin, Delray Richardson and Thomas Sharkey at a distinguished alumni awards banquet Monda_y, Oct. 9 at the Atlantis Restauant. Members ct the San ~1ego legal community, u well as students and alurnm ci the law lld!ool, have beer, Invited For reservat s and ticket information, phone 293-45 29 _

Bonifa Obich re, expert on African Affairs will speak at USD, Camino Theater, 8 p.m. on Oct 12.


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