News Scrapbooks 1977-1979
• /.,J1. q,l/u.. ~l,..y Sunday, October 15, 1978 10 /~t- 1 Last-Second USD law FGT I l . opp es aumn, USO, 10-9
'Pfeiffer ap publisher The appointment of Phyllis Pfeiffer as publisher of the La Jolla Light was announced today by Robert G. Marbut, president and chief executive officer of Harte-Hanks Com· munications, Inc. Pfeiffer has been general manager of The Light since September, 1977 and acting publisher since March, 1978. "We at The La Jolla Light count on this community for the counsel and criticism we need if we are to do a better job," Pfeiffer said. "The staff and l welcome your letters, calls and com- ments. We're all trying to make the paper a credit to La Jolla - and the chronicler of our unique La Jolla concerns." "1 like this community, this newspaper - and this new post -very much." Pfeiffer joined The La Jolla Light advertising staff in 1973 and became advertising director in l!r75.
OCT 11 1978
0C1 1-1 9
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~pecial education symposium The first in a year-long senes ci special education sympC11iums will be pre- setted by the University of San Diego's School of Ed11:ation on Thursday Oct. 19. ' "The Implications of Proposition 13 f \ USD to join ~ndoy. October 15, 1978 Last-Second WCAC FG Topp\es U ,10-9 honored Attorney Thomas E. Sharkey of La Jolla was among those honored at a Distinguished Alwnni Awards Banquet held by the University of San Diego Law ·school Alwnni Association at the Atlantis Restaurant. Also honored were Judge Herbert Katz, Judge Judith N. Keep, and attorneys James Longtin and Delroy M. Richardson. · Ron Mix, former San Diego Charger, was master of ceremonies. Attorney and author Louis Nizer was guest speaker. Anthony Wetherbee, awards committee chairman, stated that the basic criterion for selection was "that overall excellence to which fellow alumni can point with pride.'' in June '79 On June 1, 1979, the University of San Diego's b k.etball program will ta a major step forward. On that day, the Toreros will bee e members of the Wesl Coast Athletic Conference, regarded as one he top basketball con· admission, an· nounced Tuesday by WCAC commissioner Jerry Wyness and Torero athlet' director Thomas Bµrk.e, a the conference its second new member in less than a week.. Last Friday, the WCAC had announced that Gonzaga University will enter the fold on June 1, as well . Along with USO and Gon- zaga, the WCAC will include Seat le University, St. Mary's College, Pepperiiine Univ rsity, Loyola• Maramount University, the University of Santa Clara, the University of Portland and the University of San Francisco in 1979-80- All conference schools will be required to compete in basketball, baseball, cross country, golf and ten• nis next year, with soccer to be required in 1980-81. of feren in the nation. U Soeclol TO TIie son 01'90 UniDII CLAREMONT Mike Becher kicked a 32-yard field goal with one second remaining to play to give Claremont-Mudd a dramatic 10-9 victory over liniver ity of San Diego here yesterday afternoon. Freshman Mark Kelegian had given the 'I'oreros a 9-7 advantage with on 2:08 re• maining in the contest via a 22-yard field goal but Clare• mont came back to move to the USD 14 where the winners had a fourth and seven with seven seconds remaining. Becher's suc- cessful kick dropped over the crossbar with one lick left on the clock. USD struck first in the opening period on a 20-yard pass from Alan Valenzuela to John Dudek. The attempt· ed conversion failr.d and set the stage for the one-pomt los . Bob Farra drove over from a yard out 1 th conv rsi kic• gavt C art mont 7-6 ed a t i on The- fL t thr per odJ How v•r tl'e horn club caught fire for 85 ~ard In th la quart r IT I r c , ~a nng on! IS ) ar
• NORCROSS USO tep up to the WCAC When J m Brov II left the Bay Area five y tocoacbU.UnlvmltyofSanDI a man with plat•. Today, U10M plan& are beC\JUlinl to unfold. It wu announced yeata'day by the of t Weal Cout Athletic Conf that Brovelll'a Tortl'OI will ome a member or the re1pec:table 1ea1ue u of June 1, 1m It WIIJ j\llt lut May that the buketball team 'WII appointed NCM Di v\11.oo 1 atatu1 the very objective Brovelli Ml for the Roman Cattvhc Unlwr1lty'1 beak tball program n yeara ago. He 11, undS"ataooably, a f!t'Y happy man ttis If tsoom . "l'm very pleued." mted Brovelll yeaterday, with al empha Is m the word 'vr/. '"nib h b a lonatlme, penonal oal Ince I 1ot here five yeara ago. We're very fortunat that hive elevated 01R"1elvt1 to Dlvllton I 1tat111 aoo at me time aotten trto a fine conf re.nee.'' Ma mlat k8, the WCAC doel play good bealtet- ball ronf rence lncluda the llkea of Pepperdine U vcrsity aoo the Uruverllty of San Franc!.aco, both whc,n have made appee.rancea In the NCAA ago balk belllam, lie w• ecutlvo <:001mllt IWCAC> "I'm lad we don't have to play USF this year," arnUt'd the coach. "We'll just wait mtll Cartwright II 01.t nd 1J> f r 50eClal To TIie 5o1I Dletl Unllll CLAREMONT - Mike Becher kicked a 32-yard field goal with one second remalnlng to play to give Claremont-Mudd a dramatic 10-9 victory over University of San DI o here yesterday anemoon Freshman Mark l(elegtan had given th 'I'oreros a 9-7 advantage on 08 re- main ng In th conte a a 2'l-yard fi d goal but Clare- mont came back to move to the U D 14 where the winn rs had a f h and seven with v n conds remarnin~. Becher's sue ce ful 'lock dropped over th cro bar with one tick left on the clock. USD struck first In the opening period on a 20-yard pass from Alan Valenzuela to John Dudek. Th attempt· ed conversion failed and set the tage for the one-point loss Bob Farra drove over from a yard out and the co en;lon kick gave Clare- mont a 76 edge at the Inter• ml n The cor I third qu rter suited m Clare- A former teacher, she taught at Miss Porter's School in Farmington, Conn., and in the New York City public schools. In 1972 she was awarded a city grant to develop an art history program for junior high students. Pfeiffer is a member of La Jollans, Inc., the local planning group. Her husband, Stephen Pfeiffer, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in San Diego. The Pfeiffers reside in La Jolla. A native of New York City, Pfeiffer is a gradaute of Cornell University and is currently an MBA candidate at J the Unviersi of San Die o. She o stuQ.i a arvard and New York University and was a resear- cher in poetry at Hunter College. University This was the second annual awards ceremony. The Alumni Association plans to continue the banquet as an annual affair. According to Burke, USD is currently negotiating to play all conference a in Mol - 18 yards flrst three th home i r - yards ga mg o for th rush the Sports Arena. period . owe club caught f' in he la t q cene If, d Bambeck I Landers I Cla !1!f TRIBUNE r playE By JACK WILLIAMS This coach sets fitness goal for Forget that the blue eyes and blond hai Scandinavian travel poster. Ignore the fact 1 practice In a leotard, the better to subject her b1 stretches and bends In rhythm to a disco tape. Bonnie Bass, 26, ls a basketball coach. And the rhythmic aerobics she conducts twice Center of the University of San Diego are J training regimen that serves up nutrition and bigger dose than dribbling and shooting. When the students, 21 of them who hope to basketball team, learn to bounce around as tlrell they'll tackle the fundamentals. • eight teaspoons of sugar Meanwhile, Bass leads them through their And who would put tha secure In the conviction that basketball for wom1 much sugar in thPir coffee? than false eyelashes. "I want to establish "It's tough for any girl to look me In the eye at level of nutrition these is not feminine," she says. "Whal I wear to th women can maintain for the leotard - well, It'll not exactly masculine." the rest of their lives.•• And who's to say a 114-pound coach ca1 Bass insists that her basketball team at USD out of a group of volun 1 charges eat a substantial on the job? breakfast,_ a light lunch and a very light dinner. She J>asses ,.au\ a list of nutri- "lt takes just a little bit more effort to get to 1 ~onal dos and don'ts" to have a good average program " she tells yo tr a th letes at the outset of desk in the USD sports comple~ before a clas wh~ct r:sle~son training, won't get under way until Nov. 1.) ment t cu es the reqmre- Bass brings to her new assignment experl .mum hat th ey run a mm1- speciallst at the Golden Door health spa in Escc rninute~fa two ~iles in 20 thoroughly schooled In nutrition as well. I da s a w pproximately four bal!rOOm dance and physical education . I ~ass eek. 1 Basketball? that m runs a most twice "I played on my high school team," she all uch on her o"."'n, usu inspirational' player and a pretty good outside Y near her M1ss1on Ba "But before I took this job I went to gyms \a~~p-ment.. did basketball workouts for two hours. My bl "but~. active," she say gave me the courage to try for It. He use Last m no_ muscle hea Austria." year, with my 40-hou -week Job at the Golde oor, plus teachin t Women's basketball Is In its third year at 1 ~-ght r was . a ' Association of lnterconeglate Athletics for Wo f om dawn to du::~.rcismg It Is not yet such a fixture on campus that There was one · T su:,fender gy"! lime to their female ~ounterp8 r suit, though, from , We wouldn t get any (gym time) 1f I wasn hard work. She met h says Bass. "We've worked out an arrangemen boyfriend at Mira c ~r ' pra_cti~e three h~~s a day and the women a College, where she was which 1s enough. ducting a class in ballr When she first came to the campus she wa' dance. oom 1 up. Men and women make a great combination on the "When 1 saw a girl with any height, I'd dance floor, she says but pro~am," sh~ reca,1,1s. "Only seven or e. Bass is no crusader tdr co- previous experience. educat10nal intercollegiat She spotted one potential hoopster In the IS teams. e "I recruited another one, a 6-footer, in the 1 "In some sports I can see was getting a drmk of water. I said somethh ~omen competing with glasses of water, why don't you come out fc,,qien," she says "but on! ·f I'm Bonnie Bass, the basketball coach.' t e men's program is / 1 "Next year, I'll do some serious recruitln~ r. And it would be cr!ry call~r athletes. (UCLA is the defending we· a contact sport. zy on). "I . Bass's primary conce,n, though, ls mixin~ . th mk the best situation 1 to offer programs for Not Honme Bass. 1 USIU ....... Whittler......... 1 14 1 ~28 w-R. Chaves 31 PQ$,. lrorn Terra,as ISanchel kick) USIU-L. Mor T\MES-AOVOCATE k OCT 8 EVENING TRIBUNE OCT 13 1978 ____ Sun, Oct. 15, 197!.._ ..,. WCAC Accepts US WCAC Commission r Jerry Wyness said. San Diego JOlllS Gonzaga University as the newest members of the confer- ence. which now has eight schools. How ver. Nevada• Reno is leaving the confer- ence to Jom the l:lig Sky Conference League officials aid both San Diego and Gonzaga will begm playing the WCAC basketball schedule in 1980 SAN FR CISCO (AP> - Th We Coast Athletic Conference accepted the Uruverslty of San Die o as le gue m mber Friday, effective June 1 1979, omen that are well-funded nd_ afford them the oppor- .mty to compete to their 1ghest potential." __ __, See COACH, l>-4 • The Senti nel tegrate.~ dancing and exercise disciplines Into her team's drills. - Photo by Joe Flynn, Tribune HOLDl!'.G COURT - Bonnie Bass, University of San Diego's new women·s basketball coach, in- OCT 1 51978 '~wareness Week' ~!1~t~1b!w~!~ Monday thWeek" gets under way at The?:3> p.m. at USO's Camino e Un(ver5ity oi San Diego ater. mm~ Monday O t H under the • · l6, ,er ~ponent in Novem- the kM9?c:::s~~rt~ !7;'~ !~c!;::/: W~go- er Bureau da O aines- HighlighUng th Cay,. ct. 18 at 8 p.m. at wrn be week rruno Theater ir ntahoos by · t candidate.s fer tale y Attorney General Evelle offic . omg«, making a bid to Incumbent Secretary of 111leat incumbent Gov 1arch Fong Eu will Terry Brown, will speak ak on Monday, Oct. 16 Crur_sday,Oct.19,8 • ammo Theater. Griff volleymillers downed by USD The Grossmont College women's volleyball team was ,handed only its third l~ss rn 16 games Wednesday 8 ight _by the University of an Diego. The Toreros won the match, 17-15 11-15 1c10 15-5. I I ,r ' The Griffins were schedul- ed to compete in the San Bernardino tournament this weekend but decided to bow out. Their next game is Wednesday night at Gross- mont • against San Diego Mesa. Game time is 7 o'clock. * l!cs AnQeln mtmc.G Sat, Oct. 21, 1!l78- 1: eater Designer's Art on Show ~tings by theatrical designer John Wenger will be on lay at the University of San Diego's Founders Galle for wo months starting tonight ry Wenger IS best kn?wn for his scenic designs for the Medroi>?litan Opera, Ziegfeld Follies, Paramount Studios an anous theaters. The e~bition of 35 paintings opens tonight from 7 to 9 pm It will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays until 1t closes Dec. 23. The unusual art opening will be 7 University of San Diego Found will mingle with the_.P br . ~r s designs of Joh~\~ew:g th e_ , ~o 9 p.m. Saturday at the allery where celebrities th eater and opera stage e s ow will be open also from 10 • a.m to 4 p.m. weekdays. READER OCT 191978~-- VOCAL RECITAL, including works of \1 Schubert and Wolf, will be performed by Joanne Regenhardt, Wednesday, October 25, 12:15 p. m., French Parlour, Founders Hall, USO, Alcala Park, 291-6480 x4296_ READER DC T l 9 1978
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