Worldline - Registration Document 2016


Corporate and social responsibility report Annex III - Information about the report

Limited assurance report on the 3. environmental and societal information development process of social, regarding the AA1000 principles

Human Resources), in order to assess the implementation of the report’s preparation process as defined by the Group. We conducted tests at corporate level on the implementation of the procedure related to: Identification of stakeholders and their expectations; ● Identification of material Corporate Responsibility issues; ● Responsibility. Implementation of policies and guidelines of Corporate ● presented fairly, in all material aspects. in the process of developing the management report has been responsiveness as set out in the AA1000 APS (2008) standard the compliance with principles of inclusivity, materiality and Based on our work, we did not identify any material anomaly the Group in the chapter “Respect of the AA1000 standard” on likely to call into question the fact that the description made by Conclusion

Nature and scope of procedures

no significant anomalies that call into question its fairness, in all required more extensive review. material aspects. A higher level of assurance would have assurance on the fact that the description of the Principles has We conducted the following procedures, which correspond to AA1000 AS (2008) standard, that lead to obtain a moderate the requirements of a Type 2 verification in accordance with the issues, facilitation and reporting of Corporate Responsibility We met the people contributing to the identification of key (Executive Committee, Head of Corporate Responsibility and

Neuilly-sur-Seine, March 30, 2017 One of the statutory auditors Deloitte & Associés

Jean-Pierre Agazzi

Erwan Harscoët




Worldline 2016 Registration Document

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