FlyQ Pilot's Guide

2D / 3D / AR

The 3D cube button cycles between 2D, 3D, and AR (Augmented Reality) views so you may need to tap the button twice to get 3D, depending on where you start. Note: You can disable the AR view with a switch in Settings (gear icon at the top of the screen) if you like.


The last button controls whether the Gauges display (text displays that show speed, altitude, track, etc.) is shown at the top of the map or not. On an iPad, this is off by default since the tape displays on the left and right give most of the same information. The Gauges are on by default for an iPhone since the tapes are not displayed. Note: The 3D synthetic vision system works properly when flying or in GPS simulator mode; it is not designed to work at while on the ground. The display may not look right when used on the ground.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 27

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