FlyQ Pilot's Guide

You can enter a latitude/longitude in the Search Box . There is no standard way to enter latitude/longitude points so FlyQ EFB recognizes all the common formats such as:

 W121.25N47.5 or N47.5W121.25 W121.25xN47.5 or N47.5xW121.25  W121'15'N47'30' or N47'30'W121'15'  4730/12115  4730N/12115W 

Note: You cannot use spaces to separate latitude and longitude because FlyQ EFB interprets spaces as multiple idents.

In addition, you can enter a lat/lon as relative to a navaid or fix by using the navaid or fix ident, a slash, a radial (or bearing for a fix), and a distance in NM.

For example: SEA/87/35 This is the point 35 NM along the 87 radial from the SEA VOR. If a fix is used instead of a navaid, the first number is a magnetic bearing rather than a radial.

You can find the intersection of radials from two navaids as follows:

SEA104/TCM74 This is where the 104 radial from SEA meets the 74 radial from TCM. It also happens to be the RADDY fix. CAP grid references can also be entered. FlyQ EFB accepts grid references in Gridded Sectional, Cell, or GARS format regardless of which grid system is displayed. Unless a corner suffix is added ( NW , NE , SE , or SW ), the lat/lon of the center of the grid cell will be used. See the Search and Rescue section at the end of this document for much more information. SEA140 . The center of the SEA 140 grid cell. SEA140A . The center of the SEA 140A grid cell (which is the upper left quadrant of the SEA 140 cell) SEA140ANE . The top-right corner of the SEA 140A grid cell.

See the Waypoint Entry section below for more information about these formats.

+WPT appears in the search results if you enter a latitude/longitude point, a location relative to a navaid or fix, a CAP grid reference, or the intersection of radials from two navaids. +WPT creates a Personal Waypoint at the latitude/longitude location. You can name these, show them to a map, and use them on a flight plan. See Personal Waypoints for more information.

You can also create a flight plan by entering a series of idents into the Search Box . See Flight Planning for more information.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 48

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