FlyQ Pilot's Guide

In Annotate mode, you can zoom a document in or out but cannot pan left or right since moving your finger across the diagram will draw a line.

Map button (upper right corner of an approach plates)

Procedures can be shown on a map as well as in the Procedures tab. Tap the Map button to show this procedure on the map and zoom to the center of the airport (not necessarily the procedure). Only available for IAPs and Airport Diagrams. Once a procedure or diagram is selected, switching to another procedure or diagram automatically shows the new item on the map rather than the original one.

Tip: Procedures is a map layer so use the Layers button on the map to remove the procedures from the map.

+FP button (upper right corner of a SID/STAR)

You can add all the NavLog entries for a SID or STAR with a tap. Once added to the NavLog, tap -FP here to remove it. Only available for SIDs and STARs.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 61

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