FlyQ Pilot's Guide

Max Altitude (MSL): Normally FlyQ uses wind-optimization to plan the fastest flight possible by potentially going up to the service ceiling of your aircraft. Use this field to enter a specific altitude (MSL) either higher or lower than the service ceiling. Min Altitude (AGL): When using the Terrain Avoidance routing method, FlyQ will plan to keep about 1,000 ft. above ground level (AGL) at all times except takeoff and landing. Use this setting to choose an AGL setting either higher or lower. Use the Defaults button within Settings to change your default AGL clearance. Min Cruise (MSL): For some aircraft, typically jets or very high-performance pistons, it's economically impractical to fly below a certain altitude regardless of the effects of winds. If you fly such a plane, enter an appropriate value here or use the Defaults button in Settings to specify your preference. Takeoff fuel: Unless otherwise stated here, FlyQ will assume your plane takes off with a full tank of fuel. Enter a higher or lower value as desired. Note that the units used here depend on whether your plane uses AvGas (100LL) or JetA. When using JetA, the fuel value should be entered as pounds (lbs.), otherwise the system uses gallons. Show altitude change points: FlyQ can show you a flight plan that includes points for when you reach the beginning of your cruise altitude (also known as TOC or Top Of Climb ) and when you should begin your descent ( TOD or Top of Descent ). Normally this is suppressed but you can turn this feature on here. Routing Problems When FlyQ says that it cannot compute the flight plan, it generally means that some of your input parameters conflict. For example, you can't plan a flight on Victor Airways through the Rocky Mountains with a Max Altitude of 7,000 ft. When you see this error message, please use the More button to set or review your inputs.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 80

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