Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

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lO.• XXIX.

ro. 24

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1942 G d




TT A DIEGO, CALIFOR1 •U1., RI AY, JU E 12, 194-, F D r


EnterPd as ~ond Cius l!aUer at the Posto!!u:e o! ~an 01 g under the Act ot s. ms

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letters of Marines,l

Presides At Solemn Baccalaureate 1 Establish 'Bishop uddyMeda ' For Religion Erudifo


Army, and Navy, spell MAN. In Diego, because of constant M • ti• p t"f • J iation with these three aJes C on I 1ca a ches of our Armed Forces, At Gateway To Life

ave come to know that they every inch MEN. Our admira-

The church was the first to realize the need for beauteous and inspirational environment ' The most magnificent relics of human lifo are the edifices and works of art which Catholics left behind them as monument of their reli- gious surroundings. Pure beauty of scene raises the heart and mind to God. Last Sunday we were deeply moved by the Solemn Pontifical Mass attended by 1942 graduatei: of high schools and colleges of San Diego. To the rich episcopal liturgy of the Church was added the infectious spontaneity of youth. Young nursei::, college wom- en, from Mercy Hospital were there in traditional blue rcd-,ined capes, there were chic and trim roung graduates of Cathedral College, teen-age mbses in flow- ing white cnps and gowns from Our Lady of l'eace Academy, girl laureates from San Luis Rey, masculine stalwarts from San Di- ego's St. Augustine High School. The American and Papal Flags, borne by U. S. Marines and Na\'y men, led the long procession into Cathedral. The outdoor procession- al was played by the St. Augustine H. S. uniformed band. One hun- dred and fifty graduates marched s'ngle file down the carpeted aisle, were followed by the Pontifical entourage. The Baccalaureate Address was delivered by Very Rev. Wilbur Kirk, O.S,A., J'rincipal of St. Au- gustine High School. Old age and ~ranci and atmosphere.

tion for them is unlimited. • • • Military terms accurately de- scribe the least-known of the Seven Sacraments of Jesus Christ -Confirmation. Since the early days of the Church, Confirma- tion has been called the Sacra- ment of the Soldier of Christ, the Sacrament which gives to man the power and the ability to pro- tect their faith against every at- tack. The Sacrament of the Sol- dier! was employed to make muscles supple, wiry, and strong. In the Sacrament of Confirmation the anointing with Oil of Chrism sym- bolizes the removal of every kind of lameness and awkwardness from the supernatural physic. Th~ young candidate for Confirmation is anointed on the forehead, the seat of fear, so that he shall not be timid in acknowledging the name of Christ, that he shall carry that Cross always lifted fearless- ly toward heaven. The blow on the cheek by the confirming Bishop signifies the spirit of com- bat, the warrior's spirit; the spirit of the man who knows how to make effective use of his wea- pons. In the name of the Com- mander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ the King, the kneeling youth receives his Commission in the Army of Christ when Episcopal hands are laid upon his head. Pius XI did his best to impress Haan, the idea of the winning of the side. At world for the Kingdom of Christ P Haan, h . d h I and Mrs. upon t e min s of t e faithfu . 1 at their Confirmation is a preparation for ishop, at the service in the Army of the Catholic Heavenly King, People want a ains as- Leader, a King whom they can ___ • • • symbolism 1s to be 'n the actual ceremony. of oil for physical train- common in the past. It w .. .. . , vJ.~1Lea

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Fina In Cathedral High School Religion Conte t To Be Held June 18 -Teaching Faculties t All Parochial Schools To Witness Competition To teach dogmatic and moral truth is the raison' d' etr4 of Catholic Schools. For the past three years all religion courses in both the elementary and secondary department., of St. Joseph Cathedral School have been personally taught each day by Father Rector and his Assistants. The results CATHEDRAL EVENTS l of this priestly teaching have been truly astounding. Casual visitora to religion elasse.s are amazed at ease and accuracy with whic

mere children reason out abstruse apologetic questions. This ls pu- ticularly true o! the High School classes conducted by Rev. Frank• Jin F. Hurd, Rector o! the Cathe- dral. Father Hurd's enthusiastic and Intensive training h pro- duced unusually capab e theolo- gians among these young high school pupils. Our Most Reverend Bishop has been tremendously interested in this work. To .sUmulate competi. tlon he gave Father Hurd a cred- itable sum of money to purchase an award for the pupil showing greatest proficiency In religion. Father Hurd elected to purchaH a gold medal and to call It the "BISHOP BUDDY MEDAL." This medal will be awarded each year, will constitute the most coveted ot school prizes. ''The Holy Sacrifice o! the ::\!ass" has been the High School religion matertal for the 1941-42 school term. Eliti!ination contests for the medal award have been going on for six weeks. The fi. Streets. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, will preside, Judges of the con st ~ill be: Very Rev. Wilbllr Kirk, O.S.A., Rev. David P. l\IcAstocker, S. J., and Rev. James R. Keane, 0.S.M. Junior finalists are: Misses Eva. Skurla, Pauline Pena, Verla~e Bush, Nora Paredes, Rosemane Ortiz and Agatha Sick. Sopho,

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Sunday, June H, at 3:00 p.m., upon adults residing in the Diocese of San Diego. All to be confirmed, together with their sponsors, must be in the Ca- thedral not later than 2 :15 p.m. • • • Cathedral Colleg-e Graduation will take place In the Cathedral on the same day at 5 p.m. The Most Reverend Bishop will pre- Birth Control Still Criminal Offense In State Of Connecticut HARTFORD, Conn., June 5.- The constitutionality of Connecti- cut's 63-year-old law making the ·l practice of birth contrnl a crim•

~';'kn~;~, 1~'\~ ~~t;-'a-beli;f which I flatters the pride o! man; it g!v:s him neither a respectable origm nor an honorable ending. It lea_ves man to take his standards from e. plan anywhere between the tad- pole and the philosopher. It leaves him to sink or swim In the end- less combinations of chemical changes, The man with no re• ligion is like a plane without a pilot. The man with a false re- ligion is lik he marinrr who ignores orth Star ancl fol- lows the tar In his mind's eye."

e Married

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'McHany Beeler, Jr., youth alike were moved by his of Dr. and 111-s. F. M. Beeler, stirring words. In masterful per- San Diego, and Miss Mary Eliz- iods this lovable educator point- ith Kernel, daughter of Dr. and ed out the grand contribution to s. Karl ernel, of Indianapolis, Catholic education made by this liai,a, ,~u be married Saturday, gorgeous I'ontifiral Baccalaureate, ne 20th, in the Bishop'i; private th,mked our Most Re v e r c n d ipel. Mr. Bt!l)ler attended Rose Bishop who made the ·whole thing lytechnic stitut in Terre possible. ttaute, Indiana, and the Curtiss•


Wright School of Aeronautical En- gineering, Glendale, Calif., and is now employed as an engineer at Aireresearch. Miss Kernel is a graduate of St. Mary of the Woods College, St. Mary-of-the,Woods, Indiana. Parents of both parties and immediate families will be present at the Nuptial Mass. Attendants will b' Joan Beeler, si;ter of the and Somers Blackman.


more' finalists are: Doris Bdugh• ton Gloria Hickey, and Theresa I Da~ls. A11 sisters and priests ill c'1 tional work in San Diego ar« invite .

serve. Everything depends upon their finding the right Leader, the right King. The Church is trying to show Him to them, the King who lays down his life for his sub- jects. No other kind of leader can satisfy people for long. * * * CHRIST THE KING again as a password to set the hearts of the people on fire, to mobilize them ready for battle wherever the danger is hottest. They must fight for Christ, or they are against Him. A relentless battle front is drawn up before us. Bloody martyrdom and the glory of crowns which earlier war- rio;s of the Colosseum knew, may yet be oursl * • * The soldiery of Christ, that of men stirred into action by the grace of Confirmation, is now in a war more matter-of.fact than any of the past. We need more and more successful battalions on the front. Renew the Commission which you received in the Sacra. ment of Confirmation, report to your nearest recruiting station. That recruiting station is that Tab. ernacle of the Most Blessed Sacra- ment nearest to your home,

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