Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


Full Text Of Bishop Buddy's Radio Sermon On Chicago's 'An Hour With The Queen Of Hea en' efactor of mankind:

'Say to the faint-hearted, Take courage and fear not; behold the revenge of recompense. God Himself will come and will save you. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hare, and the tongue of the dumb shall be free.' (Is. 35, 4-6). My friend on the train replied: "No doubt but what Christ ful- filled these prophecies." "An1 then, take the miracles that Christ performed. Jesus ap- peals to His miracles as evidence of ms Divinity and the Divinity of His Mission,

Divine, as you Catholics claim." "Now, my friend, let me ask you if you beJleve in the revealed Word of God?" "Well," he said, "I accept the Bible as history only." "Then you have read the Bible?" "Yes, at least the New Testa- ment," he answered. "Do you admit that Christ ful- filled the prophecies foretold of Him centuries before? For ex- ample, the time of his coming, even the minor details of His Pas- sion and Death, all foretold by the Prophets Daniel, Aeggius and Mal- ach1as, that Christ would be a de- scendant of the tribe of Juda, of the House of David, that He would be born in Bethlehem of a Virg;.n Mo.ther? You know that eight

(Besides this sermon, Bis Ex- cellency also cleli 'ered the tra- ditional ".Message to the Sick" over the raclio. We regret that the script of the latter has not been macle available to us. How- ever, from Chicago mail we learned the substance of IDs Excellency's message, for which we are deeply and eternally grateful to him.-Ed.) Instead of the intended sermon, a conversation which took place on the train may be of more in- terest to you. A man of about forty years, Professor at a State College, inqufred of me: "Are you a. Catholic priest?" "Yes sir." "Then you believe in the Divin- .ty of Christ?" "Most assuredly." "You know, Father, If anyone could prove t-0 me that Jesus Christ was Di\'ine, I would become a Catholic. Isn't that the central ninge of your religion?" "Well, what do you think of Christ?" The Professor replied: "I think that Jesus Christ was the greatest character that ever lived on earth. He did more real good for hnman- lty than anyone else- He spoke the most satisfying philosophy e,;•er given ,to men, but He was not

"When St. John's disciples asked Our Saviour: 'Art Thou He that centuries before Isaias prophesied: is to come, or look we for an- 'The Lord Himself shall give you other?' Jesus answered: 'Go and a sign. Behold, a Virgin shall relate to John >\'hat you have conceive and bear a Son, and His heard and seen-the blind see, the name shall be called Emmanuel- lame walk, the lepers are made God \,ith us-' (Isaias. 17.14) clean, the deaf hear, the dead rise "DaVid foretold: 'They have again, to the poor the Gospel is pierced My hands and My feet; preached.' -(Luke. 7-22). they have numbered all My bones.' "Our Lord raised Lazarus to life Again: 'They parted My garments so that those looking on might be- amongst them, and upon My Yes- Heve in Him. In fact,. Jesus de. ture they cast lots.' clared: 'The works themselves "The ancient Prophets also re- which I do give testimony of Me, f~rred to ~e pubJ;.c life of the Mes-I _that the Father has seni: Me.'-1 s1ah, pre-figured as the great Ben- ( Continued on Page 8)

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