Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego. May 19, 1944

Military Pontifical Outstanding San Luis Rey, May 14.-A Sol- emn Pontifical Military High .Mass honoring St. Bernardine of Siena. was celebrated by the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D. D., Bishop o! San Diego, in the Mission Church of San Luis Rey, unday, May 14.. The Mass wa.s offered, according to an announcement by the Most Rev. Bishop, to celebrate the Fifth Centennial of the death of St. Ber• nardine, and also to commemorate the work of his Franciscan suc- cessors who implanted the Faith in California. The Pontifical-Military Mass, first of its kind in the history of the Mission, opened with the usual episcopal procession. A bugle call, "Salute to the Colors,' heralded th& approach of the procession led by a Color Guard and a detachment of Marines and Marine Women Re- tM throne were Marine Chaplains Pat- rick Masterson, priest of the arch1 diocese of New York, and Law- rence Calkins, O.S.M., of Chicago. Serving a.a Ministers of the Ms.,s were the Rev. Raphael Vonder- haar, O.F.M., a.nd the Rev. Finbar Kenneally, O.F.M., both of the Old Mission. The Rev. John Otter- stedt, 0. F. M., also of the Old Mis- sion, was Archpriest while the Rev. Douglas Moore, o! San Diego and the Rev. Oliver Lynch, O.F.M., were Masters of Ceremonies. In the centennial sermon, the Rev. Bertrand Hobrecht, O.F.M., pastor of the Old Mission, welcom- ed the capacity crowd of vlsitora the Bishop at


Capt. Maguire Made Chaplain Of E venth Naval District Capt. Harrill S. Dyer, ( ChCl USN, on Sick Leave, Replaced by Capt. William A. Maguire, r ChC l USN; Both Men En- tered Navy in 1917, Served In Both Wars. San Diego, 11ay 13.-Capt. William A. Maguire, (ChC) USN, reported to the Com- mandant of the Eleventh Na- val district yesterday to re- lieve Capt. Harrill . Dyer, (ChC) USN, as distiict chap- lain. Capt. Dyer now is at his home in San Diego on sick leave, convalescing from ill- ness which has hospitalized him for several weeks. Both officers are well known in the San Diego area, having served here on several tours of duty. Captain Maguire was on duty at Pearl Harbor during the Japanese sneak attack there and was in France during the first World War. During Woi;ld War I he was awarded the Navy Cross for "ex- traordinary heroism" in France. He also served aboard the battle- ships U. S. S. Maine and U. S. S. Texas. He was with the Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow. I Born in Hornell, N. Y., in 1890, 1 Captain Maguire also entered the chaplain corps in 1917. During his various tours of duty since that time he has served the Navy In all parts of the world.

Left to right-Front row: Father Oliver, O,F.M.; Father John, O.F.M., Assistant Priest; Father Ra- phael, O.F.M., Dea.con of the Mass; Reverend Patrick Masterson, U.S.M.C., Dea.con of Honor; His Excellency Reverend Laurence Calkins, O.S.M., U.S.M.C., Deacon of Ho r; Reverend Father Bertrand, O,F.M., Superior of Mission San Luis Rey; Father Finbar, O,F.M., Subdeacon. In rear, acolytes, Marine Women Reserve and Marines who formed Guard of Honor for His Excellency. (U.S. Marine Corps Photo.) serves. Assisting

San Ysidro Jo H N J OF NEW NCCS-USO ~Ye ew unior FEATURES 'NAMES' High School SAN DIEGO-Sunday, May 28 will mark the formal opening of the U.S.O. opened In San Diego. A Chancery office by the Most Rev- half hour radio broadcast fea• turing movie stars from Holly• erend Ordinary, San Ysidro is to wood will highlight the program have a new Junior High School. which will include top-ranking The Benedictine Sisters, whose Army, Navy a.nd Marine person- motherhouse is at Mount St. Scho- nel from this area. FORMAL QPENING I San Diego.-According to an an- the newest and largest N.C.C.S.- nouncement received from

'father Kenny To Be New Pastor At Chula Visf a San Dieg0-The Rev. Patrick J. Ke/my has been appointed to St. Rose of Lima ip. Chula Vista to re- place the Rev. Michael J. Brown, who will take over the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in In- dio.

and service men. "It is not out of Ordained 1n Kilkenny, Ireland, ln place that we honor a man of peace 1933, Father Patrick Kenny was by adding a military touch to thil ordained for the diocese of Los solemn ritual," Fr. Bertrand stat• Angeles-San Diego, being appoint- ed. "It is not out of place that . ed assistant pastor of st. Francis I soldiers sho'.11d enter this temple ot de Sales Church in Riverside. In (Contmued on Page 3) 1937 Father KPnnv uroo onn,..;~+o-' . . -""" .1·1•.rURE WITH l\URACULOUS MEDAL After Solemn Benediction of

Well-Known Artists

In 1940, he became Scouting lastica, Atchison, Kansas, have Force Chaplain, 11erving aboard the a.greed to provide Sisters for the cruiser U. S. S. Indianapolis. school staff. The work of the Sis- n,,r;,,"' th,. Att11rk on Pearl Har- ters who took over their duties In

Through the Navy George O'Brien will appear as master of ceremonies. Follow• ing a skit especially written for the courtesy of

Servicemen Of San Diego Are·a Confirmed Last Tursday evening 120 11er- vicemen, mostly eailors, were pre- sented by their respective chap- lains from the varioUIS military camps in the San Diego area for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. A number of the Women's Marine Corps Reserves and defense workers, together with a class of 40 children from 1 St. Joseph's Cathedral Grade school, made a total of 171'i con- I firmed. Jr\~C"-

the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Most Reverend Bishop explained the advantages of wea1ing a Miraculous Medal a nd having loving confidence in the mat:rnal I intercession of the Blessed Virgin I Mary. His Excellency read ex- cerpts from a letter from a three- star non-Catholic general of San Diego and now in the thick of the fight: ''the beautiful Miraculous Medal which you me has I never left me-it was most com- forting in the battles of--and .. --. The Sacrament of Confirmation . dministered on the first day a ' of every month in St. Jo~eph_ s Cathedral. The many chaplains m > this vast military district ac- t I quainted with this wonderful ac· commodation. Each month .they prepare larger groups of sB.llors, - soldiers, and marines, who have , never received this Sacrament. s Instead of diminishing, the num· l I ber of those presented grows 11arger from month to month.

Beginning Sunday, June 11, there will be a regular service held in St. Joseph's Ca- thedral for def ens~ workers and mem- bers of the a rmed Forces. Mass will be at 6: 30 p.m.

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