Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945


June 9, 1944

Official Organ of the Diocese of San Diego.

Enthronement Of Sacred Heart Stressed in Diocese Time Opportune for Consecration of Home Thousands of Pictures Now Available To All Parishioners A special appeal has been made presence into the home. True, the by His Excellency, the Most Rev- Enthronement includes the dis• erend Bishop, to all the pastors playing of an image of the Sacred of the diocese, to adopt a-s their Heart in the place where w~ live, own and extend to the people, but this image ls but the "ban- "The Enthronement of the Sacred ner," the outward s;;mbol of the Heart"-in all the homes of the interior dedication of the family diocese. June, dedicated to the to the Sacred Heart. Behind the Sacred Heart, is the opportune picture we come to realize the time to promote this special de- living, loving presence of our votlon. This month should see King and Master. The picture is established in all our homes, but a reminder that Our Savior, schools and institutions, a definite unites to His own the hearts of and concrete manifestation of love parents and children. and homage to Christ-King of We venerate, adore a,nd glorify Universal Society. More than ever, the Sacred Heart of Jesus because the sanctification of the Christian He is God and because He first home is needed ,to build up the loved us. He spent His entire life only bulwark that can withstand in toil and poverty, teaching and the violent attempts now being performing miracles; healing and made to undermine the founda- comforting, and for Jove of us suf- tions of Christian society. fered a painful and ignominious It was in the year 1907 that death on the Cross. By this Jove, Father Mateo founded the En- He established the Holy Catholic thronement of the Sacred Heart in Church and bequeathed to us a the Home. By divine guidance he divine legacy, the means of our made this apostolate his life con- salvation. secration. He gained audience During this month of June- with the Holy Father, Pope Pius ; marked by a trap.c world crisis X, then Pope, and received not -it is expected that thousa•nds only His permission and blessing, ot families throughout this vast but a command to launch this jurisdiction will take advantage to providential crusade for the wel• enroll themselves under the ban• fare and salvation of souls. Pope ner of the Sacred Heart. During Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius the past week, pastors throughout XII each in his turn confirmed the diocese of San Diego, have and blessed his mission, and urged received from the chancery, large Father Mateo to continue his cru- supplies of pictures of the Sacred sade for the social reign of the Heart, with the accompanying pie- Sacred Hea-rt. Since the inaugur- ture of the Enthronement cere- ation of this work, he has liter- mony. To arrange for the En- ally traversed the world, preach- thronement in your home, contact !ng everywhere the triumph of your Reverend Pastor. the King of Love. 1 We have many salutary de- votions. :Most of our daily pri- 1 vations and sufferings are ex-

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart

Picture taken during the Gloria of the .\la!>~: Left to right, Reverend Patrick l\lno;ter,.on, U.S,l\l.C., of Camp l'('ndl('ton, Deacon of Honor; His E celkncJ, Rev. Laurence Calkins, O. '.~I., .S.)I.C., of C11mp Pendleton, Deacon of Honor; Reverend Douglas )loore, l\laster of Ceremonies. (U,S. .\larine Corps Photo.)

perienced in a,nd near the home. Our homes must not be devoid of I the love of Jesus. He should have His rightful place of honor at the hearth. By the Enthronement we seek to transform the home into a little church, heated with the fire


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