Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945




The Fifth Avenue USO Clu, the largest of Its kind In the Wes , opened Its doors on Sunday, la 28th, with a day-long celebra and dedication ceremonies In th afternoon. The public was ln,1 and mingled with the thousands o servicemen who thronged th building. Musical programs !tart - ed at 9:00 a.m. and contlnu through the day, climaxed by formal ''Opening Night" dance the evening. More than 10, persons attended the opening of the club. The dedication took place at 3:30 p. m. in the women's dlYisl auditorium, wnlch was pack with spectator • Among tho taking part In the dedicatory ae vice were the Most Reveren Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., Bishop of the Catholic Diocese San Diego; George A. Scott, cha.I man, San Diego USO council; Councilman H. DeGraff Aust :representing Mayor Harley E. Knox; Father William A. Maguir District Chaplain, 11th Naval dis- trict; Miss Marie Thompson, San Francisco N.C.C,S.; Fath ;Joseph Varden, who bestowed th benediction, and army, navy and marine corps representatives. L Commander George O"Brlen, U.S. N., and Pedro de Cordoba assist greatly 1n the program. Tlils was followed by a radio broadcast of Courtenay Savage' playlet "At Your Service," which atarred Jane Wyatt, Una O'Con nor, and Eddie Ryan. This pr~ gram w&11 broadcast on the Blue Network In an entire west cout hookup. Occupying the corner building at Fifth Ave. and Ash St., the club Is housed in a five-story 11tructur , ompletely remodeled to rve "a home way from home" for men a.rtd omen in uniform. It r presents an outlay of about 185,000 In teaera1 funds, the coat tncludlng pnrch se of the buildhig, lmprov ments and It ,vm be operated by the National Catholic Community Service, ont of six agencies affiliated 1n the national USO program. -

UPPER LEFT-Jane Wyatt nd Una O'Connor feed three lucky Naval Training Center sailor-.

LEFT CENTER-These F1·ench sailors were guests at the official dedication of the new U.•.O. at Fifth and Ash Street.Ii Sunday. LOWER LEFT-Stars reading "'kit" that wa played Jater in the program. Left to right-Pedro de Cordoba, Jane Wyatt, Una O'Connor, Eddie Ryan, and Charles Granville, radio announcer. UPPER RIGHT-The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D. D., as he delivered the speech of dedication of the new NCCS-USO. LOWER RIGHT-Billie Bouck, Spar, of Phoenix, Ari- zona points with pride to the sign leading to the new women's dhision at the Fifth and A 'h U.S.O.

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