Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Editor's Note: The following story, printed for the first time in the program which was distributed during the two performances of "The Vagabond King" at Russ auditoriwn in aid of the Knute Rockne Academy, we think most worthy of re-printing in "The Southern Cross." Here you have the inside story of how the San Diego Foundation for Boys received the honored name of "The &ute Rockne Academy", It happened following an Army-Notre Dame game played ln New York-many years ago. Jack Elder, in the final' play of the game, had run 96 yards through the entire Army team for a touchdown and the winning score.

STATE OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR' S OFFICE Sacramento 14 October 29, 1945 Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D.D. Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego 1528 Fourth Avenue San Diego 1, California. Your Excellency:

California needs the extra attention to its youth problems which will be inspired by the presence of a foundation having the aims and principles brought to the forefront by Father Flanagan: I was happy to learn that the academy will be named for Knute Rockne who was an inspiration to so many millions of our boys. I hope you will keep me posted from time to time as to developments in connection with this worthy project.

The special train carr:l(ing play- ers, sports writers and fans, sped through the night. A hilarious crowd whooped it up Inside the train. Snake dances wound up and down the aisles. Through corridors and cars a jubilant band o! roist- ering students made the night rau- cous with their din. Away from It all, on the plat- form of the observation Cjl,r, two

some time- to make It easy for these youngsters to get an educa- tion. "Whoever would do that for me would b building a monument, not only to my memory, but erecting a shrine where every right-think- 1 ing American could worship in a material way by aiding such a venture." Wherever you are, "Rock," please know that there was some one - some time - who remem- bered. You'll have your monument- at long last.

Sincerely, EARL WARREN, Governor.

San Diego Chaplain To Join Staff of Extension Magazine Colonel Kenneth G. Stack, after four and a half years as Catholic I chaplain in the Army, will shortly assume the post of circulation manager and associate editor of Extension, the national Catholic monthly. From his first assign- ment at Camp Callan, near San Diego, to his last post as senior i chaplain of General Doolittle's Eighth Air Force on Okinawa, Father Stack's war record has been a brilliant one. He left a , trail of six chapels he had built ; scattered across the Pacific from I Camp Callan, to Hilo, to Christ~ mas Island, to the Solomons, to India and to Okinawa. In the early days of the Solomons he dis- tinguished himself with the 11th Bomb Group under Brigadier Gen- eral L. G. Saunders and was witl). Uie B-29 Superfortresses from their training period at Salina un- til the 20th Bomber Command was shifted to the Marianas. Among his decorations are the Bronze . Star, the Air Medal and the Presi- dential Unit Citation. Father Stack was born in Stock- ton, Calif., and lost his parents at an early age. His brother went to Annapolis for a career in the Navy while Kenneth, the younger, com- pleted his studies in the public school and entered the minor semi- nary of Los Angeles. He com- pleted his studies for the priest- hood at St. Patrick's seminary, Menlo Park, Calif., and was or- dained April 2, 1938, by the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of - the diocese of San Diego. He was the first priest ordained for the newly-established <;Iiocese and was chosen by the bishop to be his secretary. Besides the happy faculty of making friends wher- ' ever he goes, Father Stack is also is the author of "God and Guadalcanal," "Hot Wire to Heaven" and other pieces which have appeared in Ex- tension. His appointment to the Catholic Church Extension Society was approved by his bishop who affirmed that it was a splendid op- porttmity to give national scope to the many talents o.f his well-1 I known ohaplain. \ a writer of ability and

Rest easy "Rock." We remembered.


KNUTE ROCKNE figures huddled deep tn thelr over- coats. One was Knute Rockne, famed Notre Dame coach, the other, a sports writer. The sports spoke: "I supose, 'Rock,' you've heard about this scu'tptor Gutzon Borg- lum who intends to carve three of our presidents' heads out of solid rock on the granite face of Mt. Rushmore?" "Sure," 'Rock,' answered, "but that :tiardly gives me an idea that would improve our 'T' formation- or Is it supposed to?" "You got me all wrong 'Rock,' " the scribe said. "I was just think- ing that inasmuch as the king of Norway wanted to decorate you as an outstanding Norseman, he might even build you a monument by carving your rugged features into one of the fjords. Or would you like that 7" "Rock" chuckled in his inimi- ta):)le fashion. The piercing wall of the train whistle could be heard above the staccato click of the rails and the roaring thunder of this thing of steel hurtling over the ribbon-like tracks that converged rearward into oblivion-and the night. Out of the darkness Knute Rockne spoke : "A monument, I have no doubt, is very we.11 meant, but, to me, it has always seemed kind of cold. If I were ever to gain the promin- ence necessary so that people would think they just simply had to erect something in my memory I know what I'd like." "What's that?" the scribe in- quired.

Colonel Kenneth U-. :Stac.K, l)at'nouc cm~;'t;i~-: who nas S~l ved months overseas, is shown being congratulated by B~ig. Gen. Joseph Smith, now Acting Chief of Staff of the 8th ~r Fo;te, after Father Stack was awarded the a~ medal. T!1e ,_ "'n ~ l-~O prlest will soon jom the staff of Extens10,n, the national Caoholic



"Well," and his voice took on a tone the writer had never heard before, "I'd like some one-some time-to build a school for young fellows who never had a chance. Kids that had plenty on the ball but, through an accident of birth, were deprived of the opportunities that I believe every normal kid was intended by God to have. "You know what a struggle I had. Well, I'd like some one-- said 'Rock,'

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