Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

I 7


Published dalb and Sanda, by the Onion-Tribune

Ce. Entered u 10eond 0

ela11 matter at the De&tofflce at &an Dlel'O, California, under the act or llarcb I, 1a1,.

No. 29,911


OFFER CHURCH SITE IN DESERT RESORT PALM SPRINGS, Calif., Nov. 6 -Vigilant and alert to the grow- ing needs of new communities, pastors with resider,ce in the Coa- chella desert have notified the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bish- op of the San Diego diocese, of a new resort between Whitewater and Twenty-nine Palms, ten miles north of Palm Springs, known as Desert Hot Springs. Through the prompt interest of the Rev. C. Norman Raley, pastor of Our Lady of Solitude church in Palm Springs, the management of the new township has already of- fered to His Excellency a 300 by 160-foot lot with the stipulation that it be used as a church site. The acquisition of four other lots to provide a school are contem- plated. The new settlement is located five miles northeast of the main highway leading from Banning to Indio. It boasts a natural mineral hot springs. Recently, 18 lots were disposed of in one day. Lots are bringing $300 to $600, according to location, with their value increas- ing daily. One hundred and eight dwellings, accommodating one and two families each, together with a government post office have been erected.


Boys' Town Inspires Local Project


.,a~ mtt all tf:,e requirements anb aamb to unbertaflt tf:,e wortf:I!' purpo1e1 of . ~trrn Juttruutinual a_nb b!' tbe amptance of tbi• €barter bu as1umeb all tbe obliga• t1on1 of a mcmbtr dub, anb is tf,erdor inbesttb tuitb all tt,c rigbts anb pribiltgr~ of an affiHatdi 6erra Club, anb gibtn tbe name ~nl1 <(jub ~};ian]Qi~ Jn ttstimon!' IUbmof, 6ma Jnt.tmational ba1 bmunto ~t its name anb cau1tb tf:,i1 Cbarttr to be executtb b!' iti l}re1ibtnt anb li>emtarp.

1'HE MOST REV. CHARLES FRANCIS BUDDY .•. sponsors monument to memory of Notre Dame coa~h. * * *

School to Bear Rockne 's Name ( Continued from Page I ) football coach. he was a moulder of character, a leader, an excellent hus- band and father. "It is stimulating," the bishop said in conclusion, "when we think that we here in San Diego have had some ~mall part in keeping alive his indomitable spirit in this nation." Permission to name the academy was given by both Mrs. Bonnie Rockne and Father Hugh o·Donnell, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame. They joined in send- ing Bishop Buddy a message of ap- preciation for the honor conferred upon the memory of their beloved ''Rock." Father O'Donnell said: "Mrs. Rockne join~ me in wishing you every success in this so worthy enterprise." The academy, intended to pr(ivide a course in technical arts for boy~ . re%ardless of race, color, or reetd, will be erected and supporte i by public subs ription. Work will ' oegin 11s soon as tnaterial and la 'lr are available. iHeadquarters i;',. San Diego have been established · t 615 Spreckels bldg. Steve Healey, for- mer local newspaper man, has b een < named by the bishop as public , ,-e. lations director.

KNUTE ROCKNE , .. name to be perpetuated.

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