Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1941-1945

Matter at the Pootoft1ce o!



San Diego under the Act o! .March 3. 1Si9

I Father Stack Pens . ~raphic Picture Of HolyWeekln ar First . ative Son of San Diego Diocese Writes To Ordaining Bishop On Fourth Anniversary- Devcribe Repository l\lade From War l.\laterials April 2, 1942. Four years ago today you took my trembling hands in yours and asked- "Promittis mihi et successoribus meis obedientiam et reverentiam?" I joy f u 11 y answered - ''Promitto," and today on the My Dear Bishop: tu~e to you who gave me ~y Thursday, June 4, is the Solem- priestly powers. And so the first nlty of Corpus Christi, feast par priest you ordained and the first excellence of the Most Blessed native son of the Diocese of San sacrament. Of the many tradi- Diego salutes you and prays God's tiona outdoor processions to take choicest blessings upon you and place in the Diocese His Excel- your work. Little did I ever dream !ency has elected to preside at that my fourth anniversary would the one to be held on ihe expan. find me extending the priesthood sive grounds of Mercy Hospital to this far corner of the earth. on Sunday, June 7, at 6:00 p.m. Surely all Bishops must have a This is the only outdoor Corpus high place in heaven because Christi procession which the through the fullness o! their Bishop will be able to conduct. priesthood they are able to share THREE CHOIRS it with others and thus perpetu- Elaborate preparations have ate the chain of heavenly graces. been made for this pontifical func- NIGHT ADORATION tion. Three separate altars are Perhaps you would like to know now being erected; the first on how I spent my fourth anniver- the broad lawn before the main sary-the day is nearly over now Home, the third at the Convent Holy Thursday, an appropriate entrance. The First altar, wh1ch day for the anniversary of my is the project of Our Lady of priesthood so intimatelyJ,.""[ei'i..!l~~!J,.,,......_ Guadalupe Church, will be visible ed with the Blessed Sac., f .,..= 11 th p~tients' rooms lo- felt overawed thi.s mern r""u a e ,. ' ocr ,,; th •t;,,r 'cated' ttr Tm,c rronr ru e hospital. th t I l 1:i t· t Patients will, therefore, be able a . was ce~ r; mg d to assist at the services from versanes, our tor 5 an make the feas more m their windows. The second altar will belong to St. Vincent's Church; the third to Mercy Hos- pital. The Pastor of Our Lady we are having day and ni oration, the officers and men tak- ing their turns adoring the Bless- ed Sacrament as they come in entrance to the hospital, tht sec- ond on the steps of the Nurses' -a day blessed with unforget- table memories. First of all it's fourth anniversary of that "prom. ltto'' I renew it. once more, more joyfully than ever before. Though the whole Pacific Ocean may sep. arate us it cannot keep my heart from going out in prayerful grat!- Episcopal Services For Corpus Christi On M H •1 l La erCJ osp1 a wn )

Al AR OF REPOSE - - HOLY THURSDAY "Somewhere In the Pacific War Zone 0









Chapel In The Palms (Written by a non-Catholic soldier in Father Stack's unit.) In the latticed shade of the swaying palms,

of Guadalupe Church will give benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at the first altar, 1'is church choir will supply the mu- sic. At the second altar St. Vin- cent's Parish will be in charge. The solemn closing will take pl ce at the third altar where the Nurses Choir will sing and His 'Excellency will impart the triple Benediction. SPECIAL NOTICE The War Department reqvires that all approaches to Mercy Hos- pital be at all times clear. Do not park your car within one block of the hospital. Procession will form in the spacious back yard of the hospital, will move at exactly 5 :45 p.m. Don't be late. 70-Star Service Mercy Hospl ·tal Fl Ch • ag ICago

from the front lines. Our altar of repose is beautiful in our eyes-- a tent keeps off the rain, sheets drape the wooden box of an altar and for a tabernacle I am using an empty ammunition box. It'a all we have but it means every. thing to us. Our crowning glory is the fact that we managed to find two flowers in this barren land, growing together, just as if Nature had prepared her offering· too. Using shell casings as vases (Continued to Page 2) Oblate Fathers Take Over Brawley, Calipatria Churches His Excellency today announced that the Oblates of Mary Immac.. ulate will take over two parishes in his diocese, St. Margaret Mary at Brawley, and St. Parick at

One hears a chorus in the missile's lull, Of roaring basses of the rolling waves, And the shrill soprano of the circling gull. And in the silence of the morning heat, One hears the solemn monotone of psalms, That drift softly as a beam of light, From the little chapel in the palms. Here are the soldiers-shed of their steel, Come with their fears and cares, To seek the comfort of their God, In soft words and l'Rurmured prayers. Only quiet and peace are here, And the west wind sings its song, And it whispers softly to the trees, And carries the prayers along.

In the midst of death and fear, Alive with soft sung psalms, Shining promise of peace to come Our chapel in the palms.

Father Henry Jan-

CHICAGO, May 22.-A service Calipatria.

I fag r nurses and 17 doctors Mercy Hos- Pastor at Brawley, with Father Ladislaus Lopez, O.M.I., Assistant. pita! has sent to the war was blessed at the hospital on Hospital Father Joseph Hamel, O.M.I., has n- At th me trm·e was dedi· been nominated Administrator at . Paul, of St. Xavier College and House in the City of San Diego. presented to the hospital by the Father George Sexton, O.M.I., is b 70 ta s for the 53 vier, O.M.I., has been appointed earmg s ~y. e sa - cated a medallion of Florence Calipatria. The Oblate Fathers Nightingale, designed by Sister recently established a Mission ·


• Solemn Novena .' To Conduct To Sacred Heart M . ID Se


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At Cathedraf



O Y oss eme ery 8 #II# The beautiful Chapel-Mausoleum ,


1942 graduating class of_n_ur_s_es_.__



r1 1ant ageantry an

The Annual Solem~ Novena to the Sacred Heart will open June the 4th at 7:30 P.M. Joseph's Cathedral and will con-




in Saint at Holy Cross Cemetery, one of I


acca aureate erv1ce


the West Coast,

finest on


tinue until the 12th, the Feast of will be the scene the Sacred Heart. Each evening Requiem Mass Coram Pontifice there will be services at 7:30 con- on Memorial Day. The Mass will sisting o! the prayers of the Per- be offered at 11 :00 A.M. for the of a Solemn

St. Joseph's Cathedral will be a rainbow of riotous color




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petual Novena the Sacred repose of the souls of the faithful June 7th. On that day all the Cat10 ·c 1ig Heart, a sermon and benediction. buried v,rithin is grounds. His Ex- Confessions will be heard after cellency, the Most Reverend Bish- calaureate Service. The function will center around a Solemn devotions each evening. Week-day op, will p1'eside at the throne and Pontifical Mass in which the exquisite pageantry of the Masses will be at 6:00, 7 :00, 8 :00, will deliver the sermon. The of- episcopal liturgy will predominate. · - and confessions will be heard dur- ficers of the Mass will be: Rt. The graduates will wear caps up of Commissioned Officers of ing all of the Masses. On the Rev. John B. Cotter, Celebrant; and gowns of a design peculiar to the u. s. Army. All graduates Feast of the Sacred Heart, Solemn Rev. John Gallagher, Deacon; Rev. each school. There will be grad- will have places in the huge Cathe- High Mass at 8:00 the usual de- Henry Nitz, O.M.C., Subdeacon; uating nurses from Mercy Hos- dral sanctuary during the Pon- votions and sermon in the eve- Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue, Master pita! School of Nursing, college tifkal Mass. For parents and im- ning followed by investiture of of Ceremonies; Rev. Thomas A. graduates from Cathedral Com- mediate families of graduates spe- new members of Senior Legion Rowan, O.S.A., and Rev. David merrial College, High School laur- cial places will be reserved in the and acceptance and investiture of P. McAstocker, S.J., Deacons of eates from San Luis Rey, Ollr nave. The sermon will be deliv- all Junior Legionnaires of the Honor to the Bishop. The faithful Lady of Peace Academy, and St. ered by Father Kirk, Principal of Sacred Heart. are cordially· invited to attend. Augustine High School, etc. St. Augustine High. At the close All friends of the Sacred Heart This Pontifical Memorial Day The procession, which starts of the Solemn Pontifical Mass, be- (and that should be every Cath- Mass will also be attended by of- from the Cathedral school yard at fore the long recessional, every- olic) are cordia'ly invited to make ficers of the Army, Navy, and 12:00 noon sharp, will be lead. by one in the Cathedral ivill rise and this Novena, especially all of Marines, in def::: ence to those who a Color Guard of U. • Mannes I those who have had their homes I gave their lives in the service of in·dress umform. The Guard of join th e choir in singing "Tht (Continued to Page 2) U.S.A. Honor for the Bishop will be made Star Spangled Banner." • f colleges of San Diego County will join in a combined Bae- , to

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