U Magazine, Winter 1986

Alumni Potpourri

A dance at the Lark capped a weekend of Homecoming activities for alumni November 8-10.

Class happenings

1967 JoAnne Pinkel Andrews is manager of p lan ning and process en gineering for National Technology in Santa Ana, Calif. 1968 Bernie Bickerstaff, Torero head basketball coach from 1969-73 and Most Valuable Player of the 1966-67 USO team that reached the NCAA College Division playoffs. is th e new h ead coach of the Seattle Su personics of the National Basketball Association. Bickerstaff had served the past 12 seasons as assistant coach of th e Washington Bullets . .. Patricia (Kiernan) Atwill received her Jaw degree from USO in May. Sh e spen t the last semester of Jaw school working for the U.S Attorney's office. 1971 The mother of Jackson Muecke, former USO alumni d irector, died October 18 ... Joan (Pesely) Buchanan lives aboard a 32- foot sailboat in Galveston Bay. Tex ... Jeanne Hartmans has traveled extensively since graduation and is now teaching at Paul Culley School in Las Vegas, Nev .. . Terry (Hanten) Holmes '73 (SEC). '79 (MED) is coordinator of n ew student programs at San Diego State University ... Eileen Kearney is a Ph.D. candidate and a graduate teaching fellow at the University of Oregon. She hopes to teach theater at the university level ... Kathy (Stoddard) Kelly works as a research er at television station KFMB, Ch a nnel 8, in San Diego ... Terri (Beaudoin) Parker is a pre-school teacher at Community Presbyterian Pre-School in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. Her husband , Terry Parker, is president of Parker Commercial Brokerage Company in Costa Mesa ... Carolyn Renee Pelcak works in public relations at Disneyla n d . 1973 Dorothy Florence was one of six honored recently as Women of Achievem ent by the 1\vin West Chamber of Commerce in Minnesota. Florence is corporate counsel for First Bank System. She advocates quality legal services for th e poor and minorities and gives more than 80 hou rs a month in various volunteer activities. 1975 Michael Hooton (Ll has been appointed senior attorn ey in the law departmen t of the

1958 Barbara (Heney) Pearson is working for Crown Referral Service Company in Colorado as a referral specialist. 1961 William P. Thomas has been promoted to vice president of marketing for Sea World of California. In his new position Thomas is responsible for directing the park's marketing. advertising. group sales and public relations programs. He oversees a staff of 25 employees and administers a $6 m illion advertising and sales budget. Thomas joined Sea World in 1972 as corporate director of institutional sales and was named director of marketing in 1975. He and his family reside in Solana Beach , Calif ... Sandy (Cassell) Farrell is a marriage and family counselor and organizational consultant with Achievement Psychotherapy Associates in Long Beach. Calif ... Mary Dugan is the a u thor of "We Want Peace: People of Nicaragua," a booklet sent to m embers of Congress in an attempt to ha lt U.S. involvement in Nicaragua ... H. Joseph Rozelle is retired from the U.S. Army and is now a student at the University of San Francisco School of Law . .. Mary Jane Tiernan is a Ph.D. candidate at Golden Gate University and a lectu rer in management at the university ... Elizabeth (Korander) Viviano becam e a m ember of the law firm of Ault Midlam and Deuprey this month. 1964 Stephanie Mayfield died recently of a h eart attack. 1966 Nona Aguilar is the author of three books. Her latest is "The New No-Pill No-Risk Birth Control," a self-instruction gu ide to modern natural family planning . .. Dr. Joyce (Baldwin) Costello has a Ph.D. from U.C. Davis and is a life science instructor at San Diego City College .. . Susan (Lundquist) LaRoque is president of the American Women's Club of Thailand ... Lucy (Wilkins) Buttrick is director of volunteers at the Hospice of Metro Denver in Colorado ... Rita (Hager) Corder received her master's degree in educa tion last August.

Susan (Laub) Reid '81 and her daughter Sheila were among the alumni who attended Homecoming.

The parade of student floats at halftime of the USD-UC Santa Barbara game was one of the

highlights of Homecoming.


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