Strategic Execution: Defining Value - Delivering Performance Brochure

Programme team

Professor Mike Bourne Professor of Business Performance Management

Mike has spent over twenty years supporting senior management teams through the process of clarifying and executing their strategy, using a multi-stakeholder approach. Mike’s years in business spanned the valve, paper and board, building materials, machine tool and airline catering industries. He held a number of positions, including directorships in subsidiary companies. Mike is a Chartered Management Accountant and a Chartered Engineer and gained his PhD from the Univeristy of Cambridge, researching the design and implementation of balanced performance measurement systems. Dr Andrey Pavlov Senior Lecturer, Business Performance Management, Action, Execution and Implementation Andrey’s work lies at the intersection of Performance Management and Strategic Change. He is interested in understanding the phenomenon of organisational performance and in developing alternatives to hierarchical, control-driven approaches to managing performance and leading strategic change.

+44 (0) 1234 754500


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