EuroWire September 2014

wire China 2014

24 th -27 th September

Its vertical taping line with vertical sintering oven is suitable for many di erent types of tapes and bres, such as PTFE, polyimide, mica, polyester, eece, laminated tapes, metal tapes and paper. The high speed and the precision is enabled by a closed loop tape tension control and a very precise speed synchronisation between the capstan (or caterpillar) and the taping heads.

The machines are made in France, although some of them are also manufactured by the Gauder Group China division with the same quality standards, for direct supply to the Asian market. For cable producers wanting simple and reliable solutions for the production of power and communication cables, Daloo is well placed, proposing complete stranding lines and accessories whose design is based on European experience and the manufacturing is done in China following Gauder Group quality criteria. ‘C2S’, the Cable Services & Systems division, whose turnover has been rising by 350 per cent for ten years, takes care of all brand wire and cable production lines, worldwide. Gauder Group – France Website : GMP Slovakia manufactures steel reels and take-apart reels for the wire and cable industry. The company also designs and manufactures a wide range of handling equipment to lift and tilt reels and coils of di erent dimensions and weights. main manufacturing plant are in Europe, but there is also a new second plant in India and a commercial o ce in Brazil. The company has representatives in each area of the world to guarantee the best service to any customer. All take-apart reels and handling equipment are CE marked and respect the European safety normative. GMP Slovakia is quality certi cated by ISO DNV 9001:2008. The range of products is wide and covers all applications, for drawing, stranding and cable or rope process. It also supplies one-way reels and reels for coil production or coil pay-o . The headquarters and GMP Slovakia Stand: TBA

An example of a reel from GMP Slovakia

The most standard reel for drawing, bunching and stranding of steel, copper and aluminium wire is the DW-double wall model. The reel is machined on the barrel and dynamically balanced, and has di erent options available such as machining inside and outside anges and reinforced barrel. Other models of reel are available for the same application, but they have a stronger construction; these models are FM-fully machined and MR-massive reel. The rst model is fully machined on all surfaces, on the winding surfaces and outside anges; the second model is not fully machined and has a lighter weight compared to the rst model. Both models can be balanced and customised in dimensions and other details as per customer’s request. GMP Slovakia’s range of products also includes reels for cable and rope process (reinforced version) or transportation (lightweight version), which can be supplied as knock down reels to reduce transport costs. GMP Slovakia – Slovakia Website :

Vertical taping line from Lukas

Depending on the application, the line may be equipped with a cooling unit for the taping area, devices for quality control or an inline sintering oven.

Lukas Anlagenbau GmbH – Germany Website :

Maillefer Extrusion Stand: W1F24

Maillefer’s new market concept with three production solution levels launched this spring has been well received by the global market. There is a match for each market situation – with solutions in low-end as well as high-end categories in almost 20 applications. The new concept improves possibilities to serve wire, cable, pipe and tube manufacturers with di erent capacity needs and investment budgets. The production solution levels are /Enter, //Extend and ///Explore, and they vary in capacity, cost, automation, exibility, product range and space and maintenance requirements. The widest services in the industry are available as an option for all levels. ➣➢➣

Lukas Anlagenbau Stand: W1D44

Lukas is a global supplier of machinery for the wire and cable industry.


September 2014

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