Engelberg Magazin No. 24


Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus’s blog ar- ticles of fer insight, tips, and information on things to do in and around Engelberg, while showing of f some beautif u l pic tures. Read our blog to gain inspi- ration, get some help planning your holiday, and hear many good reasons to come v isit Engelberg again soon. www.engelberg.ch/blog

Clothing through the ages

Clothes say a lot about people, and in summer 2019 Engel- berg’s Ta l Museum is exploring what cloth- ing can tell us about life in the Engelberg va lley over the past 200 years. It is present- ing an exhibition of selec ted items f rom its tex tile collec tion. On display will be lov ingly stitched baby clothes, tunics of coarse linen, delicate batiste gowns, housemaids’ item was made in a dif- ferent way depending on its intended purpose. The clothes tell the stor y of austere lives in an isolated mountain v illage, of a gradua l increase in prosperity and bourgeois aspira- tions, and of the elegant but stric t dress codes in the grand hotels of the Belle Époque. They a lso speak of cu ltura l exchange between this remote A lpine va lley and the wider world beyond thanks to the expansion of trade and the growth of new sec tors such as clothes shops, haberdasher y, and dressmaking. aprons, and elegant kidskin gloves. Each

Bike and climb in safety

Never a dull moment! We can promise that your holiday in Engelberg will include plenty to do for a ll the family. Make your choices f rom our excit- ing summer programme. During the summer and autumn holidays there are lots of f ree ac tiv ities for children,

Our Rock & Safety Days and Ride & Safety Days courses are popu lar with v isitors, who jump at this op- por tunity to improve their climbing or biking ability under the super v ision of professiona l guides. As well as honing their technica l skills, par ticipants are given menta l tips and tricks. The courses are f ree of charge for overnight guests – so what are you waiting for?

Engelberg Abbey turns 900 When Engelberg Abbey celebrates its 900th jubilee nex t year, the loca l com- munity will cer tain ly be joining in. The Benedic tine abbey had a large role to play in the v illage’s development into an internationa lly renowned tourist destina- tion. Celebrations are a lready underway with a series of events and concer ts, and these are being ex tended in the jubilee year. Par tnerships have been established with neighbouring communities so that the festiv ities involve the entire region and encourage positive encounters. Loca ls and v isitors can look forward to a di- verse and uplif ting programme of events that will mark the Abbey’s jubilee in a way that ref lec ts the dignity of this venerable institution. Daily tours (except Sunday and bank holidays) of the publica lly accessible areas of the Abbey and the Abbey Church will of fer a great oppor tunity to explore 900 years of histor y. www.k loster-engelberg.ch

2019 dates for Rock & Safety Days: 17 to 19 June; 2 to 4 September 2019 dates for Ride & Safety Days: 31 August to 1 September; 7 to 8 September

f rom farm v isits to climbing courses.



Strong, stronger, Strongman

On 1 June 2019 the Fisherman’s Friend Strong- manRun takes place in Engelberg for the seventh time.

A summer of music

In 2019, Engelberg will again be of fering a summer of music. A di- verse range of concer ts will take place f rom Ju ly to Oc tober, with folk music in the Kurpark, organ concer ts in the Abbey Church, a lpen- horn per formances, the erstK lassik am Sarner- see festiva l in the Ab- bey’s Baroque Ha ll, a pi- ano concer t to mark the 100th anniversar y of Dr. Cat tani Cosmetic, the Zwischentöne chamber music festiva l, the A l- pine Sch lager festiva l on the Ristis, and the Coun- tr y in der Dor fstrasse event. For information on these and other cu l- tura l events, v isit: www. engelberg.ch/events.

Around 7,000 runners – many of them dressed in wild and wacky costumes – will take on the 18-kilometre obstacle course with its 40 dif ferent cha llenges such as climbing up the Ti- tlisschanze ski jump. These obstacles are what make the race so tough – and one reason why thousands of people come to watch each year.


100 years of Dr. Cattani Cosmetic

The Cat tani dynasty played a major role in shaping Engelberg’s histor y. Members of the fam- ily owned Hotel Titlis, the sanatorium, and Ho- tel Engel. Dr Pau l Cat tani was a physician at the sanatorium until 1919, when he moved to Zurich and founded cosmetics company Dr. Cat tani Cos- metic. This year the company’s 100th anniversar y is being marked with exhibitions and concer ts at various locations throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland – including in Engelberg, where the celebrations kick of f on 22 September. For more information, v isit: www.dr-cat tani-cosmetic.com

Opening on Saturday 8 June 2019 Exhibition runs until 13 Oc tober 2019

www.ta lmuseum.ch



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