PowerPoint Presentation

Civics L1

Inside the White House

By Janet Giel-Romo, Ed.D.

Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved Austin and Lily Solutions Photo credit: Shutterstock license. www.austinlily.com

This is the White House. It is in Washington, D.C.


Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Inspiring Shutterstock.com

This is President Trump. He lives in the White House.


Debby Wong Shutterstock.com

This is the president’s family. They live in the White House.


This is the Red Room. It is in the White House.


This is the Blue Room. It is in the White House.


This is the Green Room. It is in the White House.


This is Lincoln’s Bedroom. It is in the White House.


This is a living room. It is in the White House.


Aerial-motion Shutterstock.com

9 This is the Oval Office. It is in the White House.

Quiz Time

You’ve Got This!!!

Is this the Blue Room?

A. Yes

B. No


This is the Red Room.

What is this?

A. White House

B. Room

A. White House

This is the White House.

Which room is this?

A. Red Room B. Blue Room

Red Room

This is the Red Room.

Is this Lincoln’s Bedroom?

A. Yes

B. No


This is the Blue Room.

Which room is this?

A. Lincoln’s Bedroom B. Red Room

A. Lincoln’s Bedroom

This is Lincoln’s Bedroom.

Which room is this?

A. Green Room B. Oval Office

B. Oval Office

This is the Oval Office.

Is the White House in Texas?

A. Yes

B. No


The White House is in Washington, D.C.

Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved Austin and Lily Solutions www .austinlily.com

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