




The bank interior is based on “tectonically”-“anti-tectonically” game. The whole interior is formed by red brick volumes and partitions which look like a very heavy mass, but this mass “hovers” above the surface. Beams consisting of bricks – that is absurd, in itself – levitate over brick partitions, which also hover at a pair of centimeters over the floor. For floor finishing the author has chosen wood, whose color is similar to the brick color. The fact that the floor is made of a softer material (a wood) underlines once more that it does not support all these heavy brick objects. Sometimes they dissolve in the air, such as four massive columns supporting the glass tabletop, which cuts them off by means of four spotlights and converts into four luminous poles. But the most amazing object in the context of gravitation is the mobile brick par- tition blocking the pass to the conference area. The words “mobile” and “brick” hardly combine with each other, but, in this case, the given combination reflects reality. This partition can be offset only by the means of an electric drive.

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