Basic Training 4th Annual ICP Conference


16.1 - 16.22 ICP-MS Measurement (ICP-MS References, Resolution, Interference, Isobaric Interference, Polyatomic Interferences, Doubly Charged Ion Interferences, Matrix Effects, Space Charge Effects, Salt Buildup, Quantitative Analysis Measurement Techniques, External Calibration using Calibration, Standard Additions, Isotope Dilution) 17.1 - 17.30 Method Validation (Purpose of Method Validation, References, The Validation Process, Confirm Basic Performance Criteria, Robustness, Collaborative and Cooperative Testing)

1:1 Laying the Foundation

What is Trace Analysis? Some analysts refer to trace analysis as a measurement below one ppm (μg/g) while others use the term to describe an analyte concentration low enough to cause difficulty. This difficulty may be caused by the sample size or the matrix (i.e. - the concentration of the analyte of interest relative to the matrix or the sample size causes difficulty for the analyst). Most trace analysts using ICP-OES / ICP-MS prefer the latter definition. Regardless of which definition you prefer, most analyses that require a measurement using ICP-OES or ICP-MS fall within the category of trace analysis.

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