Basic Training 4th Annual ICP Conference

1:2 Laying the Founda@on

Stages of a Trace Analysis

A. Planning - Prepare a plan that considers the objective. Planning should begin with a discussion between the analyst and the initiator during which all possible problems are defined. The analyst is responsible for method selection or development.

B. Sample Collection and Storage - Ideally the analyst is involved in this stage, but if not, the analyst should be informed of the sampling procedure at the very least. Sample representation and contamination issues must be considered.

C. Sample Preparation - Contamination issues are a major concern during this stage, but not the only concern .

1:3 Laying the Foundation

D. Sample Measurement - The major concerns during this stage are:

• Availability of Certified Reference Materials for method validation, plus stable and accurate calibration standards, interference standards, and quality control standards.

• Achieving the required precision. It serves no purpose in acquiring a precision that has been reduced to less than one-third of the sampling error. In situations where the sampling error is small and the highest level of precision is required, the analyst faces a difficult task in acquiring precision equivalent to classical wet chemical techniques.

• Obtaining the required sensitivity and determining the detection limit of the measurement.

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