City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

List of Appendices Document Name & Link

Description and Owner


Document Contact

Acting Assignment and Acting Pay Request Form

This form must be submitted to P&C Talent Acquisition for approval at least 15 days before an acting assignment begins Appeal of the Dismissal Process Authorization to release information required for hire Requested Control Point/ Pay Grade is used only for budgeting purposes. Final classification and grade to be determined by P&C Web page that houses the current year’s benefit book. This web page links to both the interactive version and print-only version Document is no longer in use. If you would like a copy, contact PCIS. The procedures covered in this document are to be used in conjunction with Policy H-6, Substance Abuse, not as a stand-alone document The procedures covered in this appendix are to be used in conjunction with Policy H-6, Substance Abuse, not as a stand-alone document Resolution EEO policy


Talent Acquisition

Appeals of Dismissal


Employee Success Partnership Talent Acquisition

Background Check Form

B-5, B-9

B&E/P&C Position Request Form

C-2, D-7

Budget and Evaluation Compensation

Benefits Book



Blank Employee Performance Evaluation Summary Form City Council Resolution on Equal Employment Opportunity (page 407) City Substance Abuse Procedures




Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer Employee Success Partnership


City Substance Abuse Program Agreement


Employee Success Partnership

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G



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