City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

qualifying event and the intent to use FMLA qualified job protection. While the employee should indicate the need for the FMLA job protection, the employee may have FMLA job-protection rights whether or not indication is given that the time off is a FMLA qualified event. 6.3 When the employee notifies the supervisor of a potential FMLA event, or after the employee has been absent for more than three (3) work days and the supervisor believes the absence may be an FMLA qualifying event, the supervisor will notify the Benefits Assistant, P&C Rep or Business Partner to assist the employee in completing the FMLA Request form If the employee does not complete the leave request form the department should complete the leave request form on the employee’s behalf. 6.4 The Department Benefits Assistant, P&C Rep or Business Partner will review the FMLA Eligibility and Status in the City’s People & Culture Information System (PCIS) to determine the employee’s eligibility for FMLA and notify the supervisor and submit the leave form to the P&C FMLA Leave Administrator if the employee is eligible. 6.5 The supervisor/manager must enter the time taken as FMLA using the appropriate FMLA paid or unpaid leave code in City’s time-keeping system. If the qualifying FMLA event is not certified by a healthcare professional the Benefits Assistant, P&C Rep or Business Partner will request a historical edit in the City’s timekeeping system to remove the FMLA leave and job protection. 6.6 The Department Benefits Assistant, P&C Rep or Business Partner will deliver to the FMLA eligible employee the FMLA packet for certification of the qualifying event. The FMLA packet will be delivered by hand, City email, personal email, or USPS mail. The employee may designate a preference for the delivery method. 6.7 Upon receiving the FMLA packet of information, the employee will follow the instructions contained in the packet in order to ensure receipt of FMLA job-protection. If the employee does not respond to the packet or follow the instructions, the employee is not protected by FMLA. In this event, the absence may be classified as unauthorized leave and subject to the disciplinary action policy. 6.8 The healthcare professional will return the FMLA certification forms to Medical Services. Medical Services will notify the department of the certification of the FMLA qualifying event. 6.9 At least five (5) working days before the employee’s scheduled return to work, the employee must contact the supervisor to provide notice of the employee’s intent to return to work. A return to work release from the treating healthcare provider for the employee’s own illness must be provided to Medical Services prior to the employee returning to work. 6.10 Medical Services will authenticate the return to work release from the treating physician. In some cases, Medical Services may need to request additional information from the employees treating physician prior to authenticating the return to work release. 6.11 In limited circumstances Medical Services may delay an employee’s return to work. The employee may be delayed in returning to work:

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

F - Leaves of Absence


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