City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

employee must be placed on leave without pay. 6.2 The supervisor will provide a copy of Policy F-15, Military Leave – Active Duty, to the employee. Military Leave - Active Duty (page 231) 6.3 The benefit eligible employee will decide whether or not to maintain the City’s insurances during the period of active duty. If yes, the employee will be required to pay the employee’s portion of the premiums by check or cash on a monthly basis. If no, the employee will notify the departmental benefits assistant to change the employee’s insurance status. 6.4 The benefit eligible employee will need to review the designated beneficiary status for retirement and deferred compensation (457 and 401(k)) and make any desired changes. 6.5 If while the employee is serving the voluntary active duty and a notification of a deployment in support of a war effort of the United States is received, the employee must immediately contact the immediate City supervisor. If deployed for military service in time of war, the employee’s status will be changed and the provisions of Policy F-16, Military Leave-Deployment In Time Of War, will apply. See the Military Leave - Deployment in Time of War policy on page 234 for more information. 6.6 Upon release from military service, the employee will notify the immediate City supervisor of the date for return to City employment as specified in Section 5.3 of this policy. 6.7 Upon returning to work, the benefit eligible employee will submit a copy of the military discharge form DD-214 to the departmental Benefits Assistant for the personnel file. The employee should also make any necessary adjustments needed to the City insurance coverage. 6.8 In order to receive service credit with the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System, the benefit eligible employee will provide a copy of the employee’s military discharge form DD-214 to the P&C Benefits staff. 6.9 Upon receipt of release orders from active duty service in excess of 30 days, the employee must schedule a return-to-work evaluation with City Medical Services. The exam components will be determined by the medical provider as applicable. 7.0 PEOPLE & CULTURE CONTACT Benefits Medical Services 8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES Position Types (page 427 )

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

F - Leaves of Absence


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