City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 6.1 When an employee receives notification of an active duty deployment in time of war, the employee must immediately notify the immediate supervisor and provide a copy of the official set of activation orders. A benefit eligible employee must also submit a leave request form if the employee wishes to use any paid leave during the deployment. At the end of any paid leave used, the employee must be placed in an unpaid leave status to be eligible to receive the pay supplement provided by the City. 6.2 The supervisor will furnish the employee with a copy of Policy F-16, Military Leave - F. The deployed benefit eligible employee will receive full service credit with the retirement system after returning from military service provided the employee returns to work within the guidelines stated above in Section 5.3. In order to receive the retirement service credit, the returning employee must furnish a military discharge form DD-214 to the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees Retirement System upon return and within the time guidelines specified by the retirement system. G. If a benefit eligible employee is notified of actual deployment and is eligible for promotion, the following guidelines will be used to ensure equal opportunity for the employee if they so chose to participate. 1. The department will provided written notification to all eligible employee of the promotion cycle and the criteria for eligibility. 2. If the eligible employee deployment date is within 90 days or less of promotion testing cycle, the department will proctor the testing process under the same guidelines as identified to all candidates who meet the minimum qualifications. 3. If the eligible employee returns from a deployment prior to a promotion testing cycle, the employee will be eligible to participate in the testing cycle if all the minimum qualifications are met. 4. If the eligible employee is deployed during the promotional testing cycle, the employee can compete during the testing cycle as long as all eligibility requirements regarding the minimum qualifications are met and that it does not create an undue hardship on the agency to provide such a method of testing. 5. If the eligible employee chooses not to participate in the promotion process in any way prior to a deployment or while deployed, the eligible employee will submit their decision in writing to their immediate supervisor within 21 days from the date of the promotion announcement. If the employee does not respond, it will be documented by the supervisor and annotated as a non participant. 5.6 If injured while serving an active duty deployment in time of war, the employee must be cleared medically by City Medical Services before returning to work. 6.0 PROCEDURES

F - Leaves of Absence


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