City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 4.5 Pocket Knife - A small knife, designed for carrying in a pocket or purse, which has its cutting edge and point entirely enclosed by its handle, and that may not be opened by a throwing, explosive, or spring action. 4.6 City Photo ID Badge - Photo identification badge issued by the City to all employees and contractors working on City property. 4.7 Threat Assessment Team - A team of City employees including the P&C Senior Manager and Employee Success Partnership staff, as well as, representatives from Police, Legal, and Engineering & Inspections Building Maintenance Division. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 All employees and contractors are expected to wear the City-issued identification badges, or alternate approved identification, at all times while on duty. Employees and contractors are allowed to have one active City-issued identification badge. Employees and contractors must report stolen or lost badges to the Security Office so that the badge can be inactivated. Employees or contractors wanting to replace their ID badge must turn their current ID badge in to the Security Office or report that the badge was lost or stolen. 5.2 Employees that are confronted with abusive behavior from customers or co-workers during the course of their work duties are encouraged to discontinue the interaction. If possible the employee should tell the offending person that their continued inappropriate language or behavior will result in an end to the interaction. If the abusive behavior continues, the employee should inform the individual in a courteous manner that they are discontinuing the interaction. Some City employees such as police officers, fire fighters, GM911 electronic communications specialists, or security guards as a function of their job responsibilities may not have the option of discontinuing their interactions when members of the public become abusive. 5.3 Prohibited Behaviors - Examples of behaviors which will not be tolerated by the City include but are not limited to: A. The act or threat of bodily harm to another employee or member of the public B. Hitting, shoving, fighting, pushing, grabbing, or any other physical acts of aggression. C. Subtle or implied threats to other employees D. Brandishing a weapon E. Brandishing any object in a manner which makes an employee reasonably feel threatened F. The use of verbal or non-verbal language which would be regarded by reasonable people as likely to provoke violence, or any attempt to incite violence by another G. Carrying prohibited weapons, whether concealed or visible, in City buildings, on City worksites, in City-owned vehicles, on City-owned property, or while in the course of carrying

H - Employee Success Partnership


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