City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

6.2 Some employees may be at an increased risk of violence or crime because they work alone in hazardous environments. Supervisors and managers must follow appendix document, Working Alone Procedures (page 436) , of this policy if their employees work alone and have exposure to hazardous work environments or security threats: 6.3 If the incident is not one of imminent danger where police presence is required, the following steps are to be followed in all situations involving threats, violence, or other violation of this policy A. Every employee must report any threat or incident of violence immediately to a supervisor or manager. B. The supervisor or manager must take action to eliminate or neutralize the threat if possible, and if not possible to refer it immediately to a higher level. C. The affected department will communicate the allegations to P&C Employee Success Partnership (ESP). After consultation with an Employee Success Partner, the department may be advised to investigate the allegation, see Guidance for Conducting Internal Department Investigations , document the results, take appropriate disciplinary and follow-up actions. D. The P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department will refer the incident to the Threat Assessment Team if appropriate. 7.0 PEOPLE & CULTURE CONTACTS Senior P&C Manager Employee Success Partnership Director

8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES Working Alone Procedures (page 436 ) List of Expected and Unacceptable Employee Behavior or Performance Guidance for Conducting Internal Department Investigations

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

H - Employee Success Partnership


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