City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

functions must be made on a case by case basis to ensure the essential functions reflect the job as performed and not just recite the components of the position’s documentation worksheet. 4.4 Responsible Official - The individual with responsibility for implementing this policy and processing requests for reasonable accommodation. 4.5 Reasonable Accommodation for Disability or Religion – Any change in the workplace or the way that things are customarily done that provides an equal employment opportunity to an individual with a disability or a religious belief, practice, or observance. Common reasonable accommodations include: • modifying work schedules or supervisory methods; • granting breaks or providing leave; • altering how or when job duties are performed; • removing marginal job functions; • making exceptions and/or changes to department or City policies; • removing architectural barriers; • reconfiguring workspaces; • providing accessible parking; • providing a reassignment to another vacant job; and/or • providing an exception to the department’s and/or City’s workplace appearance requirements. 4.6 Undue Hardship – An undue hardship means significant difficulty or expense to the entire City organization and not just a department, division or section. In addition, undue hardship refers to reasonable accommodations that are unduly extensive, substantial or disruptive or those that would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the City’s business.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 4.7 Reasonable Accommodation Committee – The Committee may be comprised of the People & Culture (P&C) Employee Success Partner assigned to the requestor’s department, the P&C Employee Success Partnership Manager, and/or supervisor(s)/ manager(s) in the requestor’s reporting structure. The Reasonable Accommodation Committee will work with the employee’s department on the appropriate reasonable accommodations for the employee. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 The reasonable accommodation process begins as soon as the request for accommodation is



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