City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

the footwear to be worn. 5.5 Since it would be too confusing and prohibitive time-wise to have employees select from various shoe mobiles, employees are responsible to go to a vendor’s location on their own time to select their shoes. No shoe mobiles are scheduled to come to City locations. 5.6 Where the employee elects to wear the protective footwear bid by the City’s contractor and designated by the department/division, the City will pay the entire cost of the established bid cost (including tax) of the footwear. 5.7 Employees may purchase protective footwear from the City’s contractor other than the bid item provided the contractor agrees. The footwear must meet the requirements of the contract and be approved by the department/division. 5.8 If the cost of the approved footwear selected by the employee exceeds the bid price, the employee will be responsible for paying the contractor the difference in cost. A more expensive shoe may not hold up as well as the bid shoe and the employee is responsible to replace the shoe if it fails prematurely. 5.9 Employees may purchase footwear from sources other than the City’s contractor, provided it meets the ANSI standard referenced by the most current OSHA Standard (29 CFR 1910.136) for protective footwear. Such transactions will be considered completely private and the City will not participate in the cost of the footwear. In these cases, departmental supervision will be responsible for ensuring that the footwear purchased meets OSHA requirements. 5.10 Employees furnished footwear must remain employed six months in a continuous employment capacity to receive the footwear at no cost. Should employment terminate for any reason prior to this time, the employee will be responsible for reimbursing the City for the full amount paid by the City for the footwear. Employees who have completed six months of continuous service upon receipt of the footwear will have satisfied this requirement. 5.11 Each employee is responsible for maintaining the footwear furnished to him. 5.12 Employees who report to work without appropriate protective footwear are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Departments will complete a shoe voucher and give it to the employee. Once the employee has received the voucher the employee is responsible to ensure it is not lost or stolen. 6.2 The employee will take the shoe voucher to an approved vendor of the employee’s choice. See the appendix document, Safety Shoe Approved Vendor List on page 431. The vendor will advise employees of the City bid shoes in the store and employees will select shoes according to the department’s guidelines. The vendor will exchange the voucher for the shoes selected.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

J - Employee Safety & OHSA


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