City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G the citizen should be refused any City service until the resident voluntarily complies. D. Employees violating the tobacco use policy will be required to review the appendix document, Work Place Tobacco Use Acknowledgment . In addition, disciplinary action up to and including dismissal may be implemented. 7.0 PEOPLE & CULTURE CONTACT Employee Success Partnership 5.2 Private Offices - Tobacco use in a private office is prohibited. 5.3 Facilities - Tobacco use will be permitted only in designated outdoor areas of City owned or leased facilities. In facilities used by multiple departments, Facilities Management and the People & Culture (P&C) Safety and Health Manager may recommend the designated areas subject to approval of the City Manager. No designated facility shall violate the intent and purpose of the City Ordinance. 5.4 Vehicles - Tobacco use in a City vehicle is prohibited even when the only occupant is a smoker. 5.5 Enforcement - Each department director is responsible for enforcing the tobacco use regulations for their employees. Repeated violations will be handled under existing disciplinary procedures as insubordination. Managers who fail to carry out their responsibilities in this policy are also subject to disciplinary action. Discipline & Expectations (page 285) 5.6. Nothing in this policy alters existing rules regarding morning and afternoon break periods. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Employees A. Supervisors will inform all employees of this policy and smokers will be shown any designated outdoor tobacco use areas at the work facility. B. If an employee fails to abide by the rules of this policy, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action. Discipline & Expectations (page 285) C. If an employee has a complaint about a violation of this policy, the employee should discuss it with the immediate supervisor or other appropriate departmental official. Employees may also discuss their concerns regarding this policy with a P&C Employee Success Partner. 6.2 Residents - Since this policy applies to residents visiting City facilities as well as employees, enforcement should be handled as follows: A. Inform the residents of the City policy regarding tobacco use only in outdoor areas. B. Ask the offending resident to go to an outdoor area. C. If the resident fails to go outside, normal trespassing enforcement may be instituted and/or

J - Employee Safety & OHSA


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