City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G Pre-Placement Physical Examinations Number: K-1 Revision: 1 Effective Date: 04-01-2007 1.0 POLICY A ll applicants who are conditionally selected for benefit eligible positions or any safety-critical positions will be required to have a physical examination prior to employment. Employees who are promoted, transferred or demoted into safety-critical positions from non-safety-critical positions will be required to have a pre-placement physical prior to placement. All applicants who have been conditionally accepted and applied for a promotion, demotion, or transfer to a position with significantly higher physical demands than their current positions will be required to have a physical examination. 2.0 PURPOSE T he City is committed to a safe working environment and the requirement for pre-placement physicals serves to assess potentially harmful health states, determine a prospective applicant’s fitness for duty, and address any hazards to self, property, or others as it relates to the position for which the applicant has applied. The practices are guided by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Health and Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, and other applicable laws. C ity medical classifications are presented in this procedure for the purpose of assigning an applicant to work within the applicant’s capabilities and identify impairments and opportunities for reasonable accommodations in the job vacancy for which the applicant has applied. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to all applicants who are conditionally selected for benefit eligible positions or any safety critical positions. This policy also applies to internal demotion, transfer and promotional applicants to safety critical positions. See the appendix document, Safety Sensitive Positions on page 433. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Benefit Eligible - Full time and part time employees who are eligible for coverage and participation in the City’s benefit programs in addition to legally mandated coverage. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 427. 4.2 Other (Not Benefit Eligible) Employee - An employee assigned to a position designated roster (RP), seasonal temporary (ST), or special project (SP) who is eligible for salary and mandated benefits only. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 427. 4.3 Conditionally Selected Applicant - An applicant for a City vacant position who

K - Medical Services


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