City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

has been selected by the hiring official but whose selection is conditional pending medical clearance to fill the position. 4.4 Approved Medical Provider (AMP) - A physician, physician’s assistant, or other certified medical personnel qualified to perform physical examinations and make medical determinations of fitness for duty for City positions. 4.5 Medically Acceptable - Classification given to an applicant who at the time of the health evaluation meets all the standards as outlined for the job for which the applicant is applying. 4.6 Medically Acceptable With the Following Restrictions - Classification given to an applicant who has impairments that are apparently permanent and which will preclude medical recommendation for employment in certain jobs based on the minimal functional requirements for the position. These restrictions may not wholly preclude the applicant from employment in the position if the restrictions can be accommodated. The AMP will indicate on the medical record the restrictions under which the applicant will be permitted to work. This will include follow-up orders from the AMP which are a requirement for continued employment. 4.7 Medical Decision Deferred - Classification for an applicant for whom a straightforward decision cannot be made at the time of the medical evaluation without some additional information. The applicant may have one or more findings which do not meet the minimum medical and functional standards of the position. The AMP will call to the attention of the applicant the findings requiring additional evaluation or follow-up. After additional medical information is received or following new medical developments, the applicant may return for re-evaluation. Upon re-evaluation, the AMP will reassess the applicants’ fitness-for-duty and determine a final classification. The City of Greensboro assumes no financial responsibility for additional medical testing, medical specialist fees, or other charges related to the collection of the requested information. 4.8 Not Medically Cleared - Classification given to the applicant who does not meet the minimal medical standards or minimal physical demands set forth for the essential duties for the job to which the applicant is applying in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. No applicant will be hired who falls into this classification. When urgent or life-threatening health states are identified, or the applicant’s condition poses a public health hazard, the AMP will notify the applicant and the appropriate emergency medical or public health services and encourage immediate evaluation by the applicant’s primary care provider. Any further issues of employment suitability are the responsibility of the City hiring official. 4.9 HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) - A Federal law, enforced by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, that governs the privacy of protected health information as well as personal data, and provides for portability of health and dental benefit eligibility.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

K - Medical Services


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