City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Appendix Document: Physical Exam Components Effective Date: 04-01-2007 Revisions: 1 Pages: 1 Policies Referenced: K-1, J-2

Pre-Placement Physical Examinations: Physical Exam Components

All applicants who are conditionally selected for benefit-eligible positions, or any safety-critical positions, will be required to have a physical examination prior to employment. Employees who are promoted, transferred or demoted into safety-critical positions from non safety-critical positions will be required to have a pre-placement physical prior to placement. Employees moving from one safety-critical position to another safety-critical position will not be required to have a pre-placement physical. Any applicant (i.e., promotion, demotion, transfer) who is to be placed in a job with a significantly higher physical demand than the position currently occupied will be required to have a physical examination. Selected applicants for re-employment with the City will be given a physical exam and must be medically cleared prior to placement in the position. Depending on the date of the most recent City of Greensboro physical examination, some components of this physical exam may be modified. Exam Components 1. Medical History (City of Greensboro History and Physical Form) 2. Vital Signs • Blood Pressure • Temperature • Pulse • Respirations 3. Anthropometrics

• Height • Weight

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G



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