Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Planets Of The Solar System Contains 2 sets of full color nomenclature cards. 1 set with separate labels and 1 control set labeled at the bottom and a spiral bound book that contains a complete set for teaching and reference use. Cards are made of plastic for durability. Includes a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 077001

Tellurium Tellurium is a model used to demonstrate the movement of the earth and the moon around the sun. This attractive and captivating material is a simplified reproduction of the solar system. Tellurium is not a replica of the reality, but a model to explain the different principles of day and night, summer and winter and the positions of the moon. Tellurium visualizes to the children, the fascinating effects created by the rotational movements in our sun-earth-moon system. Item Number: 085101

Tellurium Activity Set Additional exercises for use with Tellurium. Includes: exercises cards, divider tabs and a wooden box for storage. Item Number: 085201


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