Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


Quantity Splitting Box Used to help children master the addition and subtraction combinations. The Quantity Splitting Box is a fun and interesting way to practice and memorize these essential arithmetic processes. Includes: 2 stacking wooden boxes – the upper box has a sliding panel and sloping bottom with a hole in the center; the lower box is divided into two compartments, 20 marbles and instructions. Item Number: 320000

Flag Puzzles Two puzzles presenting the Flags Of Europe and the Flags Of The Americas. Each ‘flag’ is created in 2 pieces – as the children fit the flags together, they compare the color and shape. When the completed section is turned over, if it is correct, the shape of the country will be visible. Each puzzle includes: 18 flags divided into 2 segments, a control card and a wooden storage tray.

Flag Puzzle Of The Americas Item Number: 200000

Flag Puzzle Of Europe Item Number: 383200

Nienhuis Montessori


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