Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Time Lines

The Black Ribbon A black canvas cloth wrapped around a solid beechwood spool. Can be used for various activities in the classroom such as - creating time lines, evolution of man, periods in history, calendars, the solar system. By rolling out the black cloth and placing items on it, the children create a visual ‘history’ of the subject they are studying (animals not included, see Item Number 069551). Length of The Black Ribbon: 46 meters. Item Number: 069500

Animals And Book For The Black Ribbon Material includes: a set of large, high-quality plastic animals and a book with descriptions of each animal. This item is designed for use with The Black Ribbon

(Item Number 069500). Item Number: 069551

Evolution Time Line The time line of life represents the beginning of life on earth from the simplest forms through the appearance of human beings. A great variety and magnificence of life is presented, with each organism a contributor to a vast cosmic scheme. It traces the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, and the Cainozoic periods, beginning with the kingdom of Trilobites and ending with the human being. The teacher indicates on a time line where vertebrates began, followed by fish and plants, then amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. This time line is the basis for lessons in chemistry, nutrition, categories of animals and plants, care and requirements of different animals, and their interrelationship with an ecological system. Students are introduced to formal scientific language of zoology, botany, and anthropology. Set includes: 2 time lines - 1 with text and pictures, and 1 without (lines only) made of a coated fabric (measuring 57 x 240 cm) and a wooden box with transparent word cards and pictures for use on the time line. Item Number: 069601


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