Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

By Dr. Maria Montessori Note: books from Kalakshetra Press contain translations that may be somewhat different from the Clio series books.

The Absorbent Mind Maria Montessori. Dealing comprehensively with the construction of the human personality, and the nature of learning, this book propounds Dr. Montessori’s revolutionary ideas about education as an aid to life. In this book Dr. Montessori indicates the responsibility of adult humanity towards this fundamental period of man’s selfformation. • Clio: 270 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition Item Number: 546000 • Kalakshetra: 308 pp, hard cover, 2002 edition Item Number: 548300

La Mente Absorbente Del Niño Maria Montessori. Spanish version of 'The Absorbent Mind' • 270 pp, soft cover

Item Number: 545300

The Child In The Family Maria Montessori. In this book Dr. Montessori examines the tensions inherent in the relationship between the adult and the child. She discusses the difficulties and contradictions of daily life within the frame work of which adults need to recognize and rectify their own defects in order to become worthy of the child. She stresses the importance of the child’s environment and the role it plays in the building of the child’s character. • Clio: 75 pp, soft cover, 2007 edition Item Number: 546800 • Kalakshetra: 126 pp, hard cover, 1991 edition. Item Number: 549100 Education And Peace Maria Montessori. Collected together in this book are those public addresses, in which Dr. Montessori first came to grips with the problem of the future of humanity, and gave passionate expression to her insight on the form education must take to be able to help the world in its present circumstances. • Clio: 119 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition Item Number: 546700 • Kalakshetra: 421 pp, hard cover, 1996 edition Item Number: 549200 The Child, Society And The World Maria Montessori. Speeches and lectures written by Maria Montessori on peace, environmental awareness and universal responsibility. • Clio: 126 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition Item Number: 534500


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