Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


The California Lectures Of Maria Montessori - 1915 Maria Montessori. This edition includes many unpublished lectures and articles by Maria Montessori during her 1915 attendance at the Panama Pacific Exposition in San Francisco. • Clio: 375 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition Item Number: 547300

Basic Ideas Of Montessori's Educational Theory Maria Montessori. Excerpts from her writings and teachings provide a lively analysis of Maria Montessori's educational beliefs and methodology. • Clio: 208 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition Item Number: 547200

Education For A New World Maria Montessori. Meant for the parents and teachers of children under age 6. Taking into account the biological and psychological aspects of child development, the Montessori approach urges adults towards a new outlook from which childcare will change from drudgery and repression, to joyous collaboration with nature. • Clio: 69 pp, soft cover, 1999 edition Item Number: 546200 • Kalakshetra: 97 pp, hard cover, 1991 edition Item Number: 548000 The Advanced Montessori Method: Volume 1 And 2 Maria Montessori. This work on scientific pedagogy comes in two volumes. The first volume entitled “Spontaneous Activity In Education” begins with a survey of the inner and outer life of the child, and emphasizes the importance of the prepared environment in education. The second volume is entitled “The Montessori Elementary Materials”. The two volumes discuss the application of the Montessori principles in the education of older children between 7 and 11 years of age.

Volume 1 • Clio: 273 pp, soft cover, 2002 edition

Item Number: 546900 Item Number: 548600

• Kalakshetra: 294 pp, hard cover, 1988 edition

Volume 2 • Clio: 406 pp, soft cover, 1999 edition

Item Number: 547000 Item Number: 548700

• Kalakshetra: 421 pp, hard cover, 1996 edition

Nienhuis Montessori


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