Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Montessori Education Maria Montessori. A distillation of the Montessori Method including the results of some of Dr. Montessori’s experiments and touches on the practical

requirements of a Montessori environment. • Kalakshetra: 18 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition

Item Number: 549000

Creative Development In The Child: Volume 1 And 2 Maria Montessori. Based on Dr. Montessori’s lectures during her first course in India in 1939. This book, in two volumes, explores the Montessori approach to the education of children between 3 and 6 years of age.

Volume 1 • Kalakshetra: 249 pp, hard cover, 1994 edition Volume 2 • Kalakshetra: 320 pp, hard cover, 1998 edition

Item Number: 549400

Item Number: 549500

The Formation of Man Maria Montessori THE MONTESSORI SERIES VOLUME 3 Montessori-PiersonPublishingCompany

The Formation Of Man Maria Montessori. In this book, Dr. Montessori urges adults towards an understanding of the laws of growth, and pleads for a reshaping of the educational system that is ironically prejudiced against the child. First printed in 1955, the book includes a chapter on world illiteracy, as it is a problem of grave magnitude, even today. • Clio: 99 pp, soft cover, 1996 edition Item Number: 546400 • Kalakshetra: 137 pp, hard cover, 1991 edition Item Number: 548800

Formación Del Hombre Maria Montessori. Spanish version of 'The Formation Of Man' • 151 pp, soft cover

Item Number: 545200

From Childhood To Adolescence Maria Montessori. This work follows the child from the age of 7 through adolescence. Dr. Montessori’s understanding of the adolescent’s need for independence in thought and action is remarkable. Her comments on the state of education and its implications for the world at large are very modern

and more relevant today than ever before. • Clio: 100 pp, soft cover, 1999 edition • Kalakshetra: 151 pp, hard cover, 1973 edition

Item Number: 547100 Item Number: 549300


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