Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


To Educate The Human Potential Maria Montessori. A more comprehensive study of child development, this book is a companion volume to “Education For A New World”. While unfolding before us the history of the world, and the history of human development, Dr. Montessori places her wide-spectrum approach to education in the modern context. • Clio: 85 pp, soft cover, 1996 edition Item Number: 546300 • Kalakshetra: 126 pp, hard cover, 1991 edition Item Number: 548100 The Montessori Method Maria Montessori. Theory and practice of the “Casa Dei Bambini” Shows parents, teachers and administrators how to “free a child to learn through his own efforts”. • Schocken: 376 pp, soft cover, 1964 edition Item Number: 533400

Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook Maria Montessori. Dr. Montessori’s notes as to the use and intent of Montessori curriculum tools. • Schocken: 189 pp, soft cover, 1965 edition

Item Number: 533200

The Discovery Of The Child Maria Montessori. First published in 1948, this book lucidly delineates the fundamental principles of the Montessori approach to education, which was based on a series of genuine discoveries of Dr. Maria Montessori. The application of these principles, transcends boundaries of class, culture or creed, and is relevant to the whole of human development. • Clio: 339 pp, soft cover, 2002 edition Item Number: 546100 • Kalakshetra: 360 pp, hard cover, 2006 edition Item Number: 548200 • Ballantine: 339 pp, soft cover, 1972 edition Item Number: 540000 What You Should Know About Your Child Maria Montessori. A valuable guide for parents, this book is based on the lectures delivered by Dr. Montessori. It simplifies her great educational principles, and brings them within easy reach of the lay person. • Clio: 99 pp, soft cover, 1998 edition Item Number: 546500 • Kalakshetra: 117 pp, hard cover, 1993 edition Item Number: 548500

Nienhuis Montessori


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