Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

For Parents

Understanding The Human Being Silvana Montanaro, MD. The importance of education in the first 3 years of life to reach a high level of emotional, intellectual and moral integration. • 166 pp, soft cover, 1991 edition Item Number: 531500

How To Raise An Amazing Child Tim Seldin. Practical suggestions about building a calm and happy home life with your child, from birth through age 6. • 192 pp, soft cover, 2006 edition Item Number: 545400

The Montessori Way Tim Seldin and Paul Epstein, Ph.D. A comprehensive introduction to the philosophy and approach practiced in Montessori schools. For parents, educators and anyone looking for an explanation of Montessori education. • 272 pp, soft cover, 2006 edition Item Number: 545500

Math Works: Montessori Math And The Developing Brain Michael Duffy. A book that gives parents an insight into the Montessori math materials. The benefits, how they affect the growth of the child’s brain and how they prepare him for the future. Includes photos of children using the materials. • 78 pp, soft cover, 2008 edition Item Number: 541500

Montessori Madness Trevor Eissler. The author uses lots of personal anecdotes and examples from his observations in a Montessori classroom to explain the Montessori principles and how they are used in Montessori education. Recommended for any parent interested in or wondering about Montessori. • 242 pp, soft cover, 2009 edition Item Number: 532700


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