Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


Montessori From The Start: The Child At Home From Birth To Age Three

Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen. The authors provide parental guidance for the establishment of an environment to aid in the development of focus and concentration. • 259 pp, soft cover, 2003 edition Item Number: 532200

Montessori For You And Your Child Mary Da Prato. Have you ever wondered what Montessori is? Many of us have heard the name “Montessori” but do not know what Montessori teaches. Montessori for You and Your Child is a practical question and answer format book that unveils the mystery of the Montessori Method so families can make

an informed choice for their children. • 102 pp, soft cover, first edition, 2011

Item Number: 532800

Montessori: Understanding Montessori Maren Schmidt. Understanding Montessori: A Guide For Parents helps parents understand the stages of childhood growth and learning and how Montessori education uniquely meets each child’s learning needs. • 272 pp, soft cover, 2009 edition Item Number: 532900

Montessori Learning In The 21st Century: A Guide For Parents & Teachers

M. Shannon Helfrich. This book fills a growing demand for contemporary books on Montessori education and how it applies to childhood learning and education in the 21st Century. This book confirms Dr. Montessori’s pivotal role in the history of childhood education internationally. • 204 pp, soft cover, 2011 edition Item Number: 533000 Montessori Parenting Sonnie McFarland. Montessori Parenting: Unveiling The Authentic Self is a must read for all parents and teachers of young children. The reader learns how to: Implement Montessori philosophy in the home, constructively respond to children’s behavior, be calm and confident with children, enhance children’s

authentic nature, and much more. • 294 pp, soft cover, 2011 edition

Item Number: 549700

Nienhuis Montessori


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