Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

In A Montessori Home Sarah Moudry. NAMTA. Based on Montessori principles. Ideas, and valuable information to help parent’s in preparing the home for children from birth to 3 years. Includes beautiful photographs taken at ‘real’ homes and a parent resource guide at the end gives guidance for choosing and finding toys, clothing and furniture consistent with Montessori principles. • 36 pp, soft cover, 2008 edition Item Number: 536000

What Is The Montessori Toddler Community? David Kahn. The importance of community for children before the age of 3. • 24 pp, soft cover Item Number: 536130

At Home With Montessori Patricia Oriti, Edited by David Kahn. An illustrated approach of how adults and children can live together harmoniously while maintaining different goals for development. • 27 pp, soft cover, 1994 edition Item Number: 536100

The Montessori Children's House: An Introduction David Kahn. This brief introduction to the Montessori Children's House will help parents of young children become more familiar with basic Montessori concepts and answer the question "Is Montessori education right for my child?" • 26 pp, soft cover, 2013 edition Item Number: 535300

What Is Montessori Elementary? David Kahn. The Montessori method as applied to the elementary classroom. • 17 pp, soft cover, 1995 edition Item Number: 536120


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