Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


Parenting As A Help to Life Nelunika Gunawardena-Rajapakse. Parenting As A Help To Life is an exposition of one world citizen’s well-lived educational wisdom. Pointers and information contained in this book will help all parents build the foundation for their children ‘that is a help to life’ one of - patience, peace, compassion and love. • 447 pp, soft cover, 2008 edition Item Number: 539000 Montessori School: A Typical Day Kathleen Futrell. This book answers basic questions for parents and allows them to understand the ‘preparation for life’ their children experience in a Montessori school. Originally written for parents at The Aquinas Montessori Children’s House in Virginia. • 31 pp, soft cover, 2005 edition Item Number: 539200

Our Peaceful Classroom Aline D. Wolf. This book is compiled of 64 drawings by Montessori children worldwide. • 64 pp, soft cover, 1991 edition Item Number: 543010

Montessori In The Classroom Paula Polk Lillard. A fascinating day-by-day record of a year in the life of a Montessori classroom. A glimpse of the Montessori method in action. • 266 pp, soft cover, 2011 edition Item Number: 532100

Montessori: A Modern Approach Paula Polk Lillard. A historical, philosophical and practical guide to the Montessori curriculum. • 174 pp, soft cover, 2011 edition

Item Number: 532000

Nienhuis Montessori


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