Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Teaching Montessori In The Home: The Pre-School Years Elizabeth G. Hainstock. A guide for parents to introduce the Montessori method at home. • 115 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition Item Number: 539400

A Parent’s Guide To The Montessori Classroom Aline D. Wolf. Describes the Montessori program for children between the ages of 3 and 6. • 61 pp, soft cover, 2009 edition Item Number: 538000

A Parent’s Guide To The Montessori Classroom: Spanish Edition • 61 pp, soft cover, 2011 edition

Item Number: 545000

The World Of The Child Aline D. Wolf. Illustrated by Anna Maria Magagna. The father, frustrated with parenting, is taken to the world of the child where he re-experiences the frustrations of a toddler. • 52 pp, hard cover Item Number: 543000

Montessori Insights: For Parents Of Young Children Aline D. Wolf. A collection of ‘insights’ for parents of Maria Montessori’s principles and suggestions of how to apply them. • 52 pp, soft cover, 2005 edition Item Number: 538200


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