Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


Nurturing The Spirit Aline D. Wolf. Illustrated by Joe Servello. This book was written for Montessori teachers. Many readers believe that it can be useful for parents or teachers who want to include the spiritual dimension in their care of young children. • 194 pp, soft cover, 1996 edition Item Number: 538410

Nurturing The Spirit: Spanish Edition • 157 pp, soft cover, 1999 edition

Item Number: 538500

Montessori And Your Child: A Primer For Parents Terry Malloy. A handbook for parents of young children, 3 to 6 years of age, to help them understand and assist in the growth of their child. • 92 pp, soft cover, 1974 edition Item Number: 532600

The Essential Montessori Elizabeth G. Hainstock. An introductory source for the newcomer to Montessori. Includes a directory of information sources. • 140 pp, soft cover, 1997 edition Item Number: 539600

Look At The Child Aline D. Wolf. Excerpts from Maria Montessori’s writings with photographs of young children in everyday situations. • 64 pp, soft cover, 1978 edition Item Number: 541300

Nienhuis Montessori


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